سال ۶٠؛ حلقه پایانی شکست انقلاب
BBC Farsi
25-Jun-2011 (2 comments)

مردم ایران در شرایطی به انقلاب روی آوردند که از هرگونه تشکل و رهبری انقلابی قدرتمند، محروم بودند. رژیم شاه با اختناق و استبداد هولناکی که بر ایران حاکم کرده بود، توده های مردم را در نا آگاهی و اسارت نگاه داشته بود. در همان حال که فعالیت تمام سازمان های سیاسی را از چپ و راست ممنوع کرده بود، برای حفظ موجودیت رژیم خود و در نا آگاهی نگاه داشتن مردم، دستگاه مذهبی را تقویت می کرد. در درون این نهاد، گروهی از طرفداران خمینی قرار داشتند که با رفرم های حکومت در نیمه اول دهه چهل از موضعی ارتجاعی به مخالفت برخاسته بودند.

recommended by Roozbeh_Gilani



had you read the article in full

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

You'd have first learnt that this article was about establishing some historical facts and that Rajavi's MKO have as much to do with socialism as did pol-pots killing fields. Your  hate for all progressive ideals that you so conveniently bunch together under the umbrella of "Marxism, communism, socialism" has blinded you to the fact that the very democratical societies that you and I reside at and have bestowed us the right to have this exchange, thrive on all inclusive idea of political pluralism, which allows even communists to organise and say what they say and influence the society in the positive manner they have. 

It was precisely this rabid hatred for "communism" during the shah's era which took Iran to the sad state it is today. I suggest you read the article once more, carefully! 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


I am glad

by mahmoudg on

as bad as the Islamic Rapist Repubic is, i am glad they in the least were able to foreever crush the MKO and any semblance of communism.  Although even if they had talken power, the events of the 1989 would have shown that communism in the end has failed as well.  Perhaps our country and our generation had to pay this 32 year price so that we, the people, once and for all learn that theorcracy and communism are dead and our only salvation is a true democracy of the people kind.  We do not need the Khomeinis nor the Rajavi's to attain freedom.