Is America overreaching in Mideast?

AHEADLINE yesterday read: "America's Secret War in Yemen."

It appears that we're now trying to depose the leader of that country. Unofficially, the United States is in another war.

When will we stop? Let's see, in the past decade we have removed the leaders of Afghanistan and Iraq and asked for the resignations of the leaders of Libya and Egypt.

We would give our right arm to have Mahmoud Ahmadinejad removed from power in Iran, and we don't feel that Pakistan is being as helpful as it could be, so maybe a change in regime there would be nice, too.

Oh, and let's not forget that Syria is on our hate list.

In other words, we seem to be at war with virtually the entire Middle East. We want to take out any political leader who will not do our bidding.


Now I'm kinda partial to the United States, and I'd like to see this country last forever. But if we don't stop trying to rule the world and remake it in our image, we are going to get into serious trouble one of these days.

These days, we cite two reasons for intervening in another nation's affairs: either that country's leader commits human-rights violations or we suspect that the regime in question harbors terrorist groups.

All the human-rights violations and terrorist activities, however, seem

to occur in countries that either have stores of oil or are key in the transportation of crude.

If we want to find human-rights... >>>

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