Superman Renouncing His U.S. Citizenship Causes Backlash!
Perez Hilton

A little over a week ago, Superman renounced his U.S. citizenship in DC's Action Comics #900, when he was "scolded by a member of the president's security staff for appearing at a protest in Iran, with the notion that Superman's actions reflect the positions of U.S. government as a whole."

The Man of Steel had the following to say about it at the time:

"I'm tired of having my actions construed as instruments of U.S. policy."

It was def a controversial move, and now the backlash is growing against the superhero, D.C. Comics, AND parent company Time Warner.

Boycott threats against Time Warner as a whole have begun, and apparently they're being taken seriously because DC Comics reportedly "may be rethinking the story line."

Guess Superman will have to head over to the Fortress of Solitude to think this one over. LOLz.

Do U think Superman should stick to his guns? Or would U prefer he return to his patriotic ways?

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