Iran, then and now
Y Net News / Debórah Dwork
01-May-2011 (2 comments)

On Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, we honor the memory of those who perished in the Nazi campaign to annihilate world Jewry. We honor, too, those Jews and non-Jews who defied the Nazis and saved Jewish lives. Perhaps surprisingly, this list includes Iran.


Iran served as a wartime haven for Jews and furnished the staging ground for a massive program to aid refugee Jews from Nazi Europe.



Today, Iran leads the propaganda battle in denying the Holocaust - an official platform espoused and favored by its president. While Holocaust denial in Europe and elsewhere persists, not withstanding copious and well-documented evidence and decades long German acknowledgement, such denial rests mostly at the racist, anti-Semitic fringe. In Iran, however, denial is a tenet of foreign policy.

recommended by Simorgh5555




by rtayebi1 on

there would be a day without any enemy be it Israel, USA, or any Arab country. I would love to see an Israelis and a Palestinian  embassy in Iran.


Excellent article

by Simorgh5555 on

The difference between Iran and the poisonous Terror Regime could not be more great. Iranian and the Jewish people are natural allies. Israel is the only country - at least in public- which is calling for Regime Change and is standing side by side with the hopes and aspirations of the Iranian people especially in the recent uprisings. I would very much hope Israel returns the kindness and offers material and moral support to lift this cancer of a regime from the face of the planet.

The recent disgusting anti-Holocaust campaign by the Terror regime does not reflect the opinions of most ordinary sane Iranians. All sane Iranians wholeheartedly condemn this rubbish. 

Death to the IR.

Long Live Iran.