Seattle billboards on Israel canceled after controversy
Seattle Pi / VANESSA HO
29-Apr-2011 (one comment)

Months after trying to place controversial ads about Israel on Metro buses, the Seattle group behind the ads said its latest effort to put a similar message on billboards has also been rejected.

The group, the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign (SeaMAC), said billboard company Clear Channel Outdoor had placed three of the group's signs last week and this week.

The signs say, "Equal rights for Palestinians - Stop funding the Israeli military."

But on Wednesday, Clear Channel announced it was canceling the contract, saying it re-evaluated its decision after people complained, according to SeaMAC.

"We don't under what is objectionable about equal rights..." SeaMAC volunteer Ed Mast said Thursday, standing near billboard on Elliott Avenue West that once had his message. It now said, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste."

"This leaves us censored now twice in Seattle."

Olivia Lippens, president of Clear Channel Outdoor Seattle, said the company is committed to ensuring that "all messages we post, and any websites they promote, adhere to community standards and are not offensive towards any business."

"Upon further review, it became evident that a campaign sponsored by Stop 30 promoted a website that is not in keeping with those standards," Lippen... >>>

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by Simorgh5555 on

The same way Iranians treats opposition in its own country and mistreats Ahwazi Arabs who want the same thing as their Palestinians Arabs: Full recogniton of their Arab identity. 

Israel will stop mistreating Palestinians the day the IR Terrorists gives in to the same demands as Ahawazi Arabs.