Mideast turmoil boosts Iran's regional arms smuggling
Haaretz / Amos Harel
15-Apr-2011 (6 comments)

Iran has smuggled more weapons to Hezbollah, Syria and Palestinian terror groups in recent months, taking advantage of the wave of unrest in the Middle East.

Because international attention is focused mainly on regime changes and local intelligence services are busy protecting their rulers, the Iranians have been able to act with greater impunity. According to Western intelligence, only a relatively small quantity of smuggled Iranian weapons is currently being intercepted.



Senior Israeli government officials told Haaretz: "Iran is inciting the entire region, from Afghanistan and Yemen to Egypt and Morocco."

At least seven cases of weapons smuggling led by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards have been reported during the past two months. In mid-March, Israel Navy commandos stopped the Victoria off the coast of Israel carrying weapons and ammunition sent from Iran and bound for Islamic Jihad activists in the Gaza Strip.

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that will be the day of celebration when,

by mahmoudg on

Israel with the help of the US free Iran from the clutches of Islamic Tyranny.  The Iranians themselves will finish off, those who have helped it stay in power for 32 years.   1400 years of barbarity will soon come to an end.

Esfand Aashena

Or perhaps he's getting restless and bypassing the "niceties"!

by Esfand Aashena on

Everything is sacred

Esfand Aashena

IMF is having an "OFF" day today!

by Esfand Aashena on

Everything is sacred



by Roozbeh_Gilani on

I have in previous occasions argued the case for the Iranian regime to fire their cyber agents and hire instead monkeys from san diego Zoo! In my view these monkeys are comparatively more intelligent and indeed cheaper to maintain... 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Shifteh Jaan

by Onlyiran on

This is because IMF is not Iranian.  He's from South Lebanon.  So, he posts this garbage hoping that there will be a war between Iran / Israel / US that his people could use to their advantage.   

Shifteh Ansari


by Shifteh Ansari on

Whose interests are you protecting here? This news item and this super title tell me that you are protecting Israel's interests by demonizing Iran and encouraging war on Iranians.