حكم اعدام زهرا بهرامي اجرا شد
Pool News
28-Jan-2011 (one comment)

اين گزارش حاكيست در بازرسي از منزل نامبرده، ‌كه پيشتر به اتهام ارتكاب جرائم امنيتي دستگير شده بود،‌ 450 گرم كوكائين و 420 گرم ترياك نيز كشف و در تحقيقات صورت گرفته مشخص شد وي 150 گرم كوكائين نيز به فروش رسانده است.

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Shifteh Ansari

Executed for planted drugs

by Shifteh Ansari on

Read this to learn that this woman, who was arrested during last year's protests was set up and then executed.

Daughter of Iranian-Dutch Prisoner on Death Row Pleads For Help

"In an interview with the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, daughter of imprisoned Iranian-Dutch citizen, Zahra Bahrami who is facing the death sentence on charges of drug trafficking, expressed that the charges waged against her mother are not true, and that her mother has made confessions against herself under duress. Bahrami’s daughter told the Campaign that the Iranian government hopes to further a political agenda with the Dutch government through the death sentence. She said that Zahra Bahrami’s charges are political. Bahrami’s daughter added that she has been threatened with arrest several times....."