Iran Reacts to the Suicide of the Shah's Son
Time / Azadeh Moaveni
06-Jan-2011 (2 comments)

However, the family put the suicide in national terms in a message on Reza Pahlavi's website, noting that Alireza was "deeply disturbed by all the ills fallen upon his beloved homeland" and "struggled for years to overcome his sorrow." The response echoed the family's reaction to the 2001 London suicide of Leila Pahlavi, the youngest of the Shah's three daughters.

Muhammad Sahimi, an Iran watcher who writes for the website Tehran Bureau, says he considered the rationale a stretch. "Most Iranians are concerned about Iran. But, almost none commit suicide because of it," he wrote in an email. "This is a just a sheer political attempt to gain sympathy and perhaps support of Iranians inside Iran."

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by Fred on

Charlatan Ali Shariati type Islamists rejecting the use of death as political tool is rich.


Sahimi suffers the same Generalization syndrome

by Escape on

  Sahimi suffers from the same generalization syndrome found so frequently on this site.One where the Shah's son is just the same as every other Iranian who lament's of Iran..The syndrome is deeply related to being just pure Ignorant with oblivious attributes.