Iran leader sells car for charity
The Press Association / The Press Association
30-Dec-2010 (4 comments)

Iran's populist president is putting his 33-year-old Peugeot up for auction for a charity that funds housing projects for young people.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's move is seen as a bid to appeal to the young and attract attention to housing projects he espoused during his campaigns, promising to put a roof over the head of every poor Iranian.

Ahmadinejad had made a point of being seen in the gleaming white Peugeot 504 sedan when he was Tehran mayor and before becoming president in 2005. He has rarely used the car in the past years, probably because of security measures.

The 1977-make car will be up for grabs at an international auction in February in the southwestern city of Abadan, according to Asghar Parhizkar, head of the city's Arvand free trade zone.

Hopes are it will fetch more than the £1,300 such cars usually go for on the Iranian market.

Parhizkar told the official IRNA news agency that the auction will take place on the sidelines of an old-timers exhibition. He said the money raised will be allocated to the Mehr Housing Fund, a charity that funds youth housing.

Yet the auction will hardly distract Iranians from daily woes at a time when Ahmadinejad's cash-strapped government has slashed energy and food subsidies - a move that sent petrol prices quadrupling and bed prices tripling almost overnight.


Terrorist leader in bogus PR stunt

by Simorgh5555 on

The greatest charitable act Ahmadi can do is to take a razor and slit his wrist. Selling your old banger does not make up for the mismanagement of the economy, rising living costs, drugs, rampant prostitution, the great social class between rich and poor, population growth and polution.

This ridiculous publicity stunt is to try and show the Iranian people that he and the rest of the Hezbollah scum lead frugal life styles and do not attach importance to worldly possessions when they have millions stashed in overseas accounts. Take the proceeds from the sale of your crap car and given them to the the Lebanese Hazbollah and Hamas scum bags.

Take your charity and shove it! 




by yolanda on


Potential Bidders!

by Faramarz on

The best part of this news is the statement that, "due to Ahmadinejad's popularity in the Arab countries, it is anticipated that the highest bidder will come from the Middle East or Persian Gulf Region

I guess these folks didn't see the Wikileaks stuff

"با توجه به محبوبيت رييس جمهور در كشورهاي عربي پيش بيني مي شود بيشترين قيمت براي اين خودرو ازسوي علاقمندان به وي در كشورهاي حاشيه خليج فارس و خاورميانه ارائه شود. "


Sargord Pirouz

It's a smart move. Cars

by Sargord Pirouz on

It's a smart move. Cars don't like to sit idle. Fuel goes bad and eventually gums up engine internals, tires deflate and crack, batteries go dead, etc.

Somebody's gonna get a classic!

Hope FARS or MEHR post a pic when it sells.