UK training Bangladesh 'death squad'
22-Dec-2010 (one comment)

British officials in Bangladesh have confirmed Wikileaks reports that the UK is training a police force in the country accused of being a death squad.

Rapid Action Battalion members have been taught "interviewing techniques" and "rules of engagement" by the UK authorities, said the leaked cables.

One message says the US would not offer tactical training to the RAB because of its alleged human rights violations.

UK officials told the BBC the focus of the training was on human rights.

Set up in 2004, the 9,000-strong RAB is accused of more than 550 killings.

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Assange Is Paid by Israel

by HHH on

Have you noticed how he never releases anything bad about Israel but somehow every news about Arabs hating Iran comes out?

His news release about every country is as bad as Israel's feelings toward that country & it's leaders.