بمب گذاری در مهاباد، چرا و به‌ چه‌ منظور؟
gooya / سیامک حیدری
26-Sep-2010 (6 comments)

اکثر کارشناسان مسایل کردستان حادثه‌ی اخیر را به‌ دولت نسبت می دهند. آنان معتقدند که‌ از این پس ما در کردستان دوباره‌ شاهد یک دوره‌ سرکوب و اعدام ها خواهیم بود. به‌ نظر می رسد این بمب گذاری می تواند بهانه‌ی کافی را به‌دست سپاه‌ پاسداران و اطلاعات جمهوری اسلامی بدهد که‌ به‌ سرکوب وسیع ناراضیان و روشنفکران محلی دست بزنند. این نمونه‌ را اگر در کنار قتل دو استاد دانشگاه‌ به‌ نام های دکتر سودبخش و دکتر سرابی در تهران قرار بدهید، شاید بتوان درک بهتری از شرایط را بدست آورد

‌ یک انفجار تروریستی در شهر مهاباد بیش از 15 کشته‌ و 90 زخمی برجای گذاشت. هر ساله‌ دولت به‌ مناسبت پایان جنگ ایران و عراق مراسمی را برپا میدارد که‌ آن را " دفاع مقدس" نام نهاده‌ است. این که‌ آیا واقعا جنگ مذکور " مقدس" بود یا نه‌ مورد بحث و بررسی این نوشته‌ نیست؛ اما رویدادی که‌ به‌ مناسبت این روز در شهر مهاباد روی داد جای تامل و تعمق د... >>>

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by yolanda on

12 died in Mahadad bombing, but 30 got killed in the cross-border gunfire....something is fishy.......IRI over-reacts!


One more thing about IRI's Bombing of Mahabad

by IranFirst on


Please  also note that the bomb exploded among SPECTATORS and not the
IRGC, who was parading. 11 people died and none of them IRGC!,


deliberately killed women and children to get the most sympathy for
IRGC and justification to attack Kurds (as they did today)



Thank you Roozbeh Gilani

by IranFirst on

Thank you doost gerami for the link and your comments about IRIs crimes.


Our Kurdish brothers & sister never accepted the islamist rule

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

and have been paying the highest price for their heroic resistance against the islamist regime, for the past 31 years.

As everybody knows now, this terrorist crime against defenceless Kurdish civilians was engineered and executed by the islamist regime's agents, who are known for such evil acts since the shameful massacre of Rex cinema during the revolution. This is a pretext under which islamist regime is planning to execute more Kurdish political activists, see here:





Yolannda you are right

by IranFirst on

Yolanda you are right, this is in line of what IRI has done (killing innocent civilians) to stay in power. Just today Terrorist IRI used their own bombing to attack Kords in Iraq, and there will be more execusions of Iranian Kords with more IRI Kangoroo courts . An you are right, the Monkey thinks that US and the rest of the  civilized world is like him , who kills the best sons and daughters of Iran so easily



by yolanda on

This bombing case reminds me of the assassination of the nuclear scientist, Professor Massoud Ali-Mohammadi........it is sad that IRI staged the bombing and murdered her own people to make a point.......the interesting thing is that AN came to NY and kept saying that US orchestrated 9/11 attack and used it as an excuse to start the war!

My heart goes out to the deceased women and children in the bombing!