Cannon fodder for the new world order
Renew America / Deanna Spingola
25-Aug-2010 (one comment)

In 1926, General Cherep-Spiridovich wrote, "War is only a 'legalized mass murder.' Thus Christ pointed out those who arrange all wars and revolutions, and that their chief cause is Satan and his sons' 'lust of murder.' But 'Christians' never seem to agree with Christ." [1] Gandhi concurred when he said, "Everyone but Christians understands that Jesus was nonviolent." Those who "arrange all wars," are typically among the very top echelon of secret societies, often Illuminati front groups like Skull and Bones, many of whom serve in elected and unelected government positions. Government officials implement a dark agenda of terrorism and genocide through directives developed by members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) the Bilderberg (BB), and the Trilateral Commission (TC). Some may view these allegations as incredible conspiracy theories, which is exactly the perspective that the media-managing elites encourage in order to conceal their reprehensible operations and their true loyalties.


Money power

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Richard N. Goodwin, former speechwriter for President John F. Kennedy (assassinated in 1963), said, "The principal power in Washington is no longer the government or the people it represents. It is the Money Power. Under the deceptive cloak of campaign contributions, access and influence, votes and amendments are bought and sold. Money establishes priorities of action, holds down federal revenues, revises federal legislation, and shifts income from the middle class to the very rich." [16] "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
