Get Ready: Jeff Goldberg Kicks Off Iran War Campaign In Atlantic Next Month
Talking Point Memo / M.J. Rosenberg

A few weeks ago I wrote that the Atlantic's Jeff Goldberg was busy at work on a magnum opus for "The Atlantic" calling for a bombing attack by the United States on Iran.

The article will appear as a cover story in August.

The war party decided that Goldberg is to play the role on Iran that Ken Pollack played for Iraq. He will be the first out to define the terms of the debate and get the engines revved up for our 3rd simultaneous Middle East war.

Goldberg, of course, played a key role in spreading the lies that got us into Iraq. He is just the man to do it again.

Note: Goldberg, the former IDF soldier, is very very close to Netanyahu.

Why Jeff Goldberg matters.

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