هاشمی: مایلم کناره‌گیری کنم اما ...
20-Jun-2010 (4 comments)

هاشمی رفسنجانی در گفتگویی مفصل توضیحاتی را در خصوص نامه خود به رهبری انقلاب قبل از انتخابات داده و تاکید کرده که مایل است از مسئولیت های سیاسی خود کناره گیری کند، اما می ترسد که عوارض بد سیاسی داشته باشد.

به گزارش «فردا» رئیس مجمع تشخیص مصلحت نظام در پاسخ به این سوال که آیا تاکنون به بازنشستگی به معنای کناره گیری از مسئولیت های سیاسی فکر کرده اید؟ گفت: مایلم. الان سن من در حدی است که مایلم این گونه شود. ولی هنوز می ترسم عوارض بد سیاسی داشته باشد و به نوعی قهر تلقی شود.

هاشمی افزود: یکی از کارهای که می خواستم بعد از ریاست جمهوری بکنم و نتوانستم انجام دهم این بود که در سفرهای خارجی که می رفتم، خیلی جاها را نشان کردم که بعدا بروم ببینم و جهانگردی کنم که نشد. اگر بخواهم به سفر خارجی بروم باید جمع زیادی از پاسداران همراه من باشند و آنجا هم که می رویم شورای تامین نیرو می آورند و همیشه زحمت دارد.

رئیس مجلس خبرگان رهبری در ... >>>

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Ransanjani = dinasour ************ Khamenei = Justin Bieber!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred

Irani Irani

The very seed of the IRI is cancerous, starting with its founder

by Irani Irani on

Rafsanjani, Khamenei, Ahmadinejad, Mousavi, Khatami, Karroubi--these are all metastatic tumors and offshoots of the one original Founding Rapist and Godfather of every single one of the abovementioned murderers, Emam-e Aziz himself. Every single one of them--from the clerics to the Pasdaran murderers, who are the executioners (literally) of the clerics, are the children of that animal Khomeini. These Islamist scum represent a cancer growing on Iran, and it is time to start surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy to eradicate this cancer.

Now. let us deal with the lies and gibberish of the IRI Cyber Groupies:

In IR version 2.0 , religious clergies should do what they do best, and that is to preach in the mosques

That's a lie. The unelected Head Rapist-for-Life will remain the unelected Head Rapist-for-Life. Nothing has changed with the IRI, and nothing will.

Even VF must be limited to his role defined in our constitution. We do not deny the role of VF as the "religious" leader of Iran.

Another lie. Head Rapist is the Leader of the country and has absolute political and military powers, as defined by the Rapist Magna Carta (aka "constitution" of IRI). Nothing has changed with the IRI, and nothing will.

Ahmadinejad has broken many taboos and new progressive politicians have entered in our politics.

Murderous functionaries of thuggocracies and theocracies who stone people to death are now being called "progressive"? What a world we live in. Nothing has changed with the IRI, and nothing will.

IRI Versions 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0. and 5.0 are all variations on a theme of murder, mayhem, barbarism, religious fanaticism, and theft--nothing will change that rotten seed planted in 1979, and no amount of garbage spewed out by West-residing Cyber Groupies can change the fact that this regime is the worst in Iranian history--the biggest killer of Iranians and utterly unreformable. Period.

No Fear

This Dinosaur should be on trial.

by No Fear on

Since the revolution and the begining of IR, Rafsanjani was instrumental in the making of every policy , internally and internationally. He is the main politician of IR version 1.0.

In IR version 2.0 , religious clergies should do what they do best, and that is to preach in the mosques. They must be purged from administrative roles unless they also have academic training along their seminary education.

In IR version 2.0 , we must question the validity and justifications for permanent positions ( In governance ), like the one Rafsanjani holds. Like the one Dr. Jaasbi ( Azad University ) hold, like the role of Guardian council.

Even VF must be limited to his role defined in our constitution. We do not deny the role of VF as the "religious" leader of Iran.

Corruption is wrong and justice must be served against those who mistreated public trusts and funds. The pressure to remove these corrupt figures must continue after our current administration. By distroying the public image of these politicians , we may prevent them from holding any positions in the future, thus making the path to a trial, easier.

A very solid foundation has been laid during the last 5 years. Ahmadinejad has broken many taboos and new progressive politicians have entered in our politics. This was just the begining.

There is no solution for Iran which includes Karroubi, Rafsanjani, Mousavi , Khatami, Ardebilli, and others. We need taboo breakers with guts like Ahmadinejad to not only weaken the old and traditional IR, but to lay new structures for the new and progressive by introducing ideas such as " debates " , " seperation of religion and administration policies ", " introducing the idea of referendum", " Fighting Corruption ", " roles defined by constitution " , etc etc etc.

We are the best chance ( currently ) for meaningful and tangible changes in Iran and we have the muscles to implement it. Not like the empty hollow statements from the reformists.




Ey Charlatan

by HHH on

Na toro khoda, avaareze bade siasi nadareh, kenarehgiri kon, chand sad milliard pool kharej kardi basseteh.