ASUCSD Resolution in Solidarity with the Green Movement On the Eve of One Year Anniversary Passes 15-0
United 4 Iran / Nima Rassooli
09-Jun-2010 (one comment)

The Students for Civil Rights in Iran (SCI) at UC San Diego, on the eve of the one year anniversary of the June 12th elections in Iran, put forth and passed a Resolution to the Associated Students of UC San Diego in solidarity with the Iranian non-violent student movement for democratic reform in Iran, condemning the human rights violations that have occurred by the Iranian government. The resolution was placed forth through ASUCSD council during their meeting held on 2nd of June 2010 at 5pm at UC San Diego, in the Forum. The resolution was passed unanimously, 15-0.

UC San Diego is the first University Campus in the United States to pass a resolution condemning the human rights violation in accordance to the UNHDR. The resolution also calls for the release of prominent student leaders such as Majid Tavikoli and Bahareh Hedayat who are illegally imprisoned. The resolution expresses UC San Diego student solidarity with the upcoming protests in Iran on June 12th 2010, the one-year anniversary of the protested elections in Iran as well as the beginning of the Green Movement. .





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