آمريكا براي گروه خبري همراه رييس‌جمهور رواديد صادر نكرد
01-May-2010 (4 comments)

خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران - تهران
سرويس: سياسي خارجي - ايران

دولت آمريكا به گروه خبري همراه رييس‌جمهور كشورمان كه براي شركت در اجلاس بازنگري ان. پي. تي معرفي شده بودند ويزا نداد.

به گزارش خبرنگار خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران (ايسنا)، دكتر محمود احمدي‌نژاد قرار است امروز تهران را به مقصد نيويورك براي شركت در اجلاس بازنگري ان. پي. تي ترك كند ولي دولت آمريكا به گروه خبري كه قصد داشت رييس‌جمهور را در اين سفر همراهي كند، ويزا نداد.

بنابراين گزارش، رييس‌جمهور تا ساعاتي ديگر تهران را به مقصد نيويورك ترك خواهد كرد.

اخبار تكميلي متعاقبا ارسال مي‌شود.

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Immortal Guard

The US is saying.........

by Immortal Guard on

.... he is so interesting we want to cover all the story ourselves! His presence is New York is so much sensationalism everytime.

He must be the most attention-provoking head of state in the entire world right now! I think he even clipses Hugo Chavez!



by Onlyiran on

They shouldn't have issued a visa for the moftkhor in chief, Mahmoud Sibourjoan, either.  The fewer rif rafs the better.

hamsade ghadimi

yes, we can

by hamsade ghadimi on

i guess iran will do the same to u.s. reporters when obama goes to iran for a speech.


good news

by azadi5 on

So this time around, less moft khor are coming with him to US. Antarinejad is famous for bringing his family,  friends and their families along with him to his trips abroad. It's like a vacation at the expense of Iranian people for them. So let them get shafted.