Iran crushes opposition protests with violence
Timesonline / Timesonline
11-Feb-2010 (3 comments)

Iran’s regime thwarted the opposition’s hopes of turning the 31st
anniversary celebrations of the Islamic revolution into another massive
protest today.

It out-manoeuvred the so-called Green movement by
swamping the official proceedings with huge numbers of its own
supporters, preventing the media from covering anything else and
blanketing the rest of the capital with security forces who forcefully
suppressed the opposition’s relatively muted demonstrations.
Ahmadinejad also sought to grab the headlines and divert attention from
the protests by announcing that Iran had produced its first stock of 20
per cent-enriched uranium. He declared that Iran was now a “nuclear

Opposition websites claimed a young woman named Leila
Zareii, was killed and many others were wounded or arrested. The
opposition leaders Mehdi Karroubi and Mohammed Khatami - a former
president - were attacked, as was Zahra Rahnavard, wife of the Green
Movement’s other leader, Mir Hossein Mousavi.
Even Zahra Eshraghi,
granddaughter of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, leader of the 1979
revolution, was briefly arrested. She and her brother, Hassan, are both
opposition sympathisers and she is married to Mr Khatami’s brother.

pretty clear that Greens everywhere will feel demoralised... The
overall feeling is one of disappointme... >>>

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by AsteroidX on



As always

by on

you mean that when they were "violently
crushing" the opposition, they were doing it "silently"?!!!!

Gholi jan, read the stuff before you post them.


You are entitled to what you think!

By the way, are you blind to my avatar ? Nevertheless, all my admiration to "Gholi" who has made a painful and lasting impression on you and a couple of others here. I am reviewing his posts and trying to use some of his spanking techniques!

God bless "Gholi"! ;-)  I am glad that his name lives on, thanks to you guys!


Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

you mean that when they were "violently crushing" the opposition, they were doing it "silently"?!!!!

Gholi jan, read the stuff before you post them.