Opposition: Iran rulers more brutal than shah
San Fransisco Chronicle
15-Nov-2009 (one comment)


Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mahdi Karroubi, who lead the protest
movement rejecting the legitimacy of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's
June re-election, said authorities wielding batons even struck women on
their heads. They called such treatment an ugly act that was not even
seen during Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's response to the 1979 Islamic
revolution that toppled him.

"I can't understand why they should treat people like this,"
Karroubi was quoted as saying by several opposition Web sites. "... I
struggled against the Pahlavi regime for 15 years ... but there were no
such crackdowns."

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Well off course..

by IranFirst on

The only loyalty that the Arab rulers of Iran have , is to the cult of
Islam and their fellow Muslim terrorist around the world , and not to
Iranians. True Muslims (the ones that follow Quaran and terrorist
Mohammad) do not believe in loyalty to ANY nation (Vatan), listen to
Janati, Osama, the latest terrorist "Dr" in USA..... They and their
supporting low-life "Left" fight any aspirations for freedom in Iran