Obama signs law blocking release of torture photos
Obamaboozled / Obamaboozled
31-Oct-2009 (2 comments)

At issue are 21 photos of detainees in US custody that the Department of Defense has been fighting tooth and nail from releasing. As Raw Story reported earlier this year, those photos may show acts of sexual abuse being carried out against detainees.

Major General Antonio Taguba, the author of a report on allegations of detainee abuse in U.S. prisons in Iraq, said that photos exist depicting the following:

–An American soldier apparently raping a female prisoner.
–A male translator apparently raping a male detainee.
–A female prisoner having her clothing forcibly removed to expose her breasts.

Other photographs depict sexual assaults on prisoners with a truncheon, wire and a phosphorescent tube, according to Taguba.

recommended by Shah Ghollam


Shah Ghollam

I am glad

by Shah Ghollam on

that at least you showed some gutts to admit in public that what a Bush supporter you have been.

This itself is quite revealing as to what ideology you subscribe to. For someone who complains about IRI rape and then supports policies of rape by the US you show a heck of double standard! But are we surprised here, a big fat "NO" really! You are well known about your support and double standard for Israel too.


Farhad Kashani

Shah Gholam, The world

by Farhad Kashani on

Shah Gholam,

The world is glad that Obama is following Bush’s steps where its important, and I’m glad that this is yet another defeat for regressive forces like yourself who do not want to see America in leadership role, and do not want to see what’s right for world peace and spread of democracy to be done, and do not want to see a world where people are prosperous and free.

We kept telling you people that Obama will follow Bush’s policies wherever they were right, and he did, and he will continue to do so. It was you, not us, who were so brainwashed by this pop culture anti Bush culture that you were absolutely incapable to see the things that he was doing was right and necessary and will have long term positive results. You were so immersed in this phony culture of Bush-bashing that you were totally and sadly blinded from seeing the truth. You thought that Bush was simply “bad” and Obama was simply the “messiah”! I told you people on this very site that the election of Obama is the biggest defeat for anti Bush loonies, contrary to what was told by the Leftist media. Now you know what I meant.

Bush like any leader, did some things right, and did some things wrong. But it was the Leftist media who brainwashed people like you to believe that “Neo Cons” are out to get the world and they wanna fight with the world, and kill people, and all the other nonsense that is now proven to be so false and so damaging.

Next time you will know better.