Why Increased U.S. Sanctions on Iran Don't Work
Huffington Post / Huffington Post
26-Oct-2009 (3 comments)

Fifteen years of sanctions on Iran have taught us one important lesson: They have not produced the intended results. More sanctions are unlikely to produce results now. In fact, additional sanctions, while satisfying some, are more likely to produce results that we do not intend. If we impose increased sanctions, we will likely strengthen President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's hand and risk snuffing out the emerging democracy movement in Iran.

No doubt about it: The Iranian government armed with nuclear weapons is objectionable. And the U.S. must stand firmly on key issues like human rights.

recommended by Shah Ghollam


Farhad Kashani

MOOSIRvaPIAZ, Of course

by Farhad Kashani on


Of course smart sanctions work, remember what the world did to Mugabe? It imposed sanctions which led to him accepting a unity government. Are you telling me that Zimbabwe treats it citizens worst than IRI does Iranians? Mugabe doesn’t tell Zimbabweans with what foot to enter toilette, but IRI does! Zimbabwe doesn’t impose religious dress code on half of its citizens, IRI does..And the list goes on. And Zimbabwe is not even a terrorist regime, and it doesn’t threaten its neighbors, and does not have any regional aspirations, and does not believe in Armageddon, and is not pursuing nukes, and IRI does that all!

So smart sanctions that targets government officials only will change things. Do more research.


Farhad Kashani


Keep telling yourself that but the FACT of the matter is that there is no such thing as smart sanctions. It will ultimately effect the people.


Of course being you and all, you care not about the people so long as you can get back to Iran! 

Farhad Kashani

Shah Ghoma,   Once

by Farhad Kashani on

Shah Ghoma,


Once sanctions are smart and target your beloved IRIs officials, not the people, sanctions would be effective.


So I hope the world realizes that soon, and impose smart sanctions, so the Iranian people and the world can see the fall of your beloved terrorism promoting, war mongering, human rights violating, destabilizing factor, savage and brutal IRI.