ISRAEL Neither Jewish nor Democratic
The SOP / The SOP
22-Oct-2009 (2 comments)

`I would like to congratulate you on your inaugural national conference. I believe most American Jews support Israel and want to see it thrive as a Jewish and democratic state.`

However, in the eyes of many, the reality is that Israel is arguably neither Jewish nor democratic.

recommended by Shah Ghollam


Farhad Kashani

Ladies and gentleman,  

by Farhad Kashani on

Ladies and gentleman,


Whenever you need great political analysis, please come to Neo Comms like Shah Gholam!@@@!!


Yeah Israel is not a democracy, because, yeah, Israel doesn’t have free elections rather Israel like IRI has an unelected “vali faghih” who has been in power since 1989 unchecked. Israel doesn’t have freedom of speech that’s why even Arabs in Israel have freedom to bash Israel in media everyday ,rather, its like IRI, where according to every single human rights report out there, has one of the most crappiest freedom of speech records in the world.


In Israel, Jews and Arabs can come out and voice their opinion freely about Israel, either for or against it, however, Iranians in Iran do not have that right!!!!!!!! Someone, for the love of god, tell me what’s wrong with this picture!


See that’s why I always said, you have to say Islamists are better than Neo Comms/Left/Socialists/Islamo Socialists, cause Islamists say it like it is and make it very clear what they think, however, Neo Comms are the biggest kniving, lying, fabricators of truth, twisters of reality out there. They are the worst of the worst.



Racist and fascist however….yes

by Bavafa on
