Video from G20 demonstrators
Youtube / Youtube
25-Sep-2009 (6 comments)

Those Iranians (and MKO members, Monarchy supporters and the Zionists) who cry out aloud against Iranian police brutality should watch the clip at G20 meeting. more videos will be coming!

recommended by Shah Ghollam


Shah Ghollam

A least you seem to agree...

by Shah Ghollam on

How many were raped and tortured? How many 'confessed' on TV?


At least you imply to agree to drop two complainf of the Greens, that is clubing the protesters and killing them. Hang in there, other contentions of yours will soon surface in Westen is just a matter time!!!!!


How many were raped and

by benross on

How many were raped and tortured? How many 'confessed' on TV?

Shah Ghollam

And even more

by Shah Ghollam on

Police beating demonstrators of G20 (2008) protests in London:





Shah Ghollam

Tear gas and clash in G20

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Shah Ghollam

A combo video report in previous G20 demonstrations

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