The mullah's rewrite of Iran's ancient history: Don't overlook this atrocity
World Tribune
16-Sep-2009 (2 comments)

The Islamic Republic's butchery of Iran's ancient history is beyond belief and comprehension.

The clerics' audacity and blatant hatred for Iran spews from every page written by approved scholars. Iranology suffers from the lack of sufficient primary sources — especially native — making the task of balanced fact-finding more difficult. But any degree of bias observed in foreign sources about ancient Persians is nothing compared to the negativity, falsehood, and insufficient information provided by the Islamic Republic to Iranian children.

Islam goes to Hell .

Butchering ancient history

by Islam goes to Hell . on

I just saw an Article about Islamic regime changing the school's textbooks and imposing the goodness of ISLAM to children through their lies and censoring all the ancient Persian history from the books!



What does it take

by MRX1 on

for every one to wake up and realize that Iran is a occupied country and as such occupiers do what ever it takes in their power to destroy what ever is left of real Iran and replace it with some foriegn ideology.