TIFF accused of supporting Israeli propaganda
05-Sep-2009 (2 comments)

 group of 50 intellectuals and filmmakers accuses the Toronto film festival of "complicity with the Israeli propaganda machine".

Renowned figures such as Canadian sociologist Naomi Klein, British filmmaker Ken Loach, American actress Jane Fonda and some Israeli filmmakers voiced their criticism after Canada's John Greyson withdrew his film from the festival in protest.

The festival's 2009 City to City program includes 10 films about Tel Aviv made by local filmmakers, including Etyan Fox's Bubble, Uri Zohar's Big Eyes, Efraim Kishon's Big Dig and Niv Klainer's Bena.

The protestors referred to the act as a "propaganda campaign" on Israel's behalf and objected to the "absence of Palestinian filmmakers in the program."

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