Obama's olive branch to Iran
The Guardian / Joschka Fischer
01-Sep-2009 (one comment)

Iran is in the process of wasting the biggest historical opportunity the country has had since the revolution of 1979, and perhaps even in the past hundred years. That opportunity is called Barack Obama.

It is President Obama's policy of reaching out to Iran that offers the country this unique opportunity if, and it's a big if, the Iranian leadership takes it up. At the moment, however, little if anything suggests that this will happen, because, for Iran's leaders, Obama's offer also represents a grave danger. There is nothing they fear as much as opening up and reducing tension with America. Indeed, the regime welcomed George Bush and his neocon administration, because it allowed Iran's leaders to close ranks, and at the same time delivered free access to influence in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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Shah Ghollam

I was going to respond until I read

by Shah Ghollam on

a comment that i wholly agree with bellow:


Indeed, the regime welcomed George Bush and his neocon administration, because it allowed Iran's leaders to close ranks, and at the same time delivered free access to influence in Iraq and Afghanistan.

This really doesn't make much sense, especially considering that Iran has done much to open up to the United States. Its Iran that helped us topple the Taliban, and its Iran that helped us out with the invasion of Iraq. After we took their help, we dumped them and then George Bush did the retarded Axis of Evil speech. Pretty sad considering that Iran would have been the best ally you could possibly obtain in the so called "war on terror."

Furthermore, there is an assumption that Obama is offering an olive branch to Iran. What olive branch? Are we going to drop sanctions? Are we going to allow Iran to continue with its nuclear research? Are we going to allow Iran to pursue its agenda in the region? Will the demonization of Iran stop? Will Israeli favoritism stop? No, no,no,no and no.

There is no olive branch nor is there an unclenched fist, in fact the hand is still very clenched. Just look at the map, Iran is surrounded by US Military bases, and constantly listening to sound bites of Hillary Clinton, Netanyahu, and other retarded leaders calling for military strikes against Iran.

Finally, there is the assumption that joining the so called "world market" is the only way for Iran or any country in the world to achieve progress. This is so wrong on so many levels that its pure retardation. Is it so wrong that some countries want to have more control over their natural resources? Is it so wrong that some countries might not like the fact that unfair "free-trade" agreements will double the poverty levels in their countries. Is it so wrong for countries to object to Western MNC's opening up shop in their countries and destroying local industries?

To assume that the only way to prosperity is through joining the unequal world economy is a mere fairy tale. Just visit most of these so called "super star" developing economies that neo-liberal economists love to brag about. Look at the shanty towns, watch the people survive on a dollar a day, be astonished by the effects of malnutrition, and scratch your head when these people say that things have only gotten worse after the IMF intervened.