The Firestorm Ahead
middle-east-online / Immanuel Wallerstein
01-Sep-2009 (one comment)

There is a firestorm ahead in the Middle East for which neither the US government nor the US public is prepared. They seem scarcely aware how close it is on the horizon or how ferocious it will be. The US government (and therefore almost inevitably the US public) is deluding itself massively about its capacity to handle the situation in terms of its stated objectives. The storm will go from Iraq to Afghanistan to Pakistan to Israel/Palestine, and in the classic expression "it will spread like wildfire."

recommended by Shah Ghollam


Mola Nasredeen

What a gloomy picture

by Mola Nasredeen on

for the people of Middle East and the American people who are paying with their lives and treasure for a senseless policy.

Thanks for posting it Shagholam.