Hatoyama vows distance from US-style capitalism
30-Aug-2009 (3 comments)

Hatoyama wrote an opinion piece for The New York Times last week, noting that US hegemony was coming to an end in different parts of the world.

"As a result of the failure of the Iraq war and the financial crisis, the era of US-led globalism is coming to an end," Hatoyama wrote.


US Dominance Coming to an End ?

by k1s1000 on

This is not going to be good news fo rthe "US neocons" at all. I wonder how they ar egoing to take it?


Shah Ghollam

What difference

by Shah Ghollam on

does it make if pressTV reports or another outlet? It only shows how some people are tuned into particular news outlets rather than being interested in the news. No wonder CNN and Fox news are the god given word for some.


I guess if "PressTV" says it....

by Onlyiran on

quoting some Japanese dude, It is bound to happen...

Thanks PressTV, the mouthpiece of the IRI, for enlightning us.  I'll be packing my shit and moving to new power house of the world, Bangladesh within a week.