“US soldiers find themselves being terrorists in Afghanistan”
obamboozled / obamboozled
28-Aug-2009 (one comment)

As the US continues to step up war efforts in Afghanistan, the number of US soldiers refusing deployment to war zones is also increasing. On the ground, they find themselves being terrorists, says writer Dahr Jamail.

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Farhad Kashani

IRI supporters lack humanity

by Farhad Kashani on

Openly Islamic terrorism supporters like Shah Gholam calls others “terrorists”!


Only an IRI supporter would make such claim, because those “terrorist” American soldiers freed Afghanistan from an IRI-like regime called the Taliban. Those “terrorist” American soldiers freed Afghanistan from tyranny and religious oppression. Those “terrorist” American soldiers sacrifice their lives every day in order for Afghanistan, a country they knew little about and people they didn’t know, to have a better future. Those “terrorist” American soldiers are risking their lives in order for Afghanistan to have its first free elections in its history!


“Terrorist” indeed.


When you support murders and genocider like the IRI regime, humanity will die inside of you.