Protesters Press on in Iran
New York Times / Robert Mackey

Although Iranian bloggers, like their counterparts in the rest of the world, were unable to use Twitter or Facebook for most of the day — as the social-networking sites fought off cyber attacks — there was evidence online that protests continued on Thursday.

On Thursday night in Tehran, Reuters reported:

“Hundreds of people are in Vanak square, chanting ‘death to the dictator.’ Others are also honking car horns,” said the witness. “Hundreds of riot police are there as well.”

The witness said riot police tried to disperse protesters. “They are telling protesters to leave the area or face being arrested,” the witness said.

The Iranian blogger Mojtaba Samienejad, who is still working from inside the country, posted this video on YouTube, which he says was shot on Thursday, of protesters chanting “Death to the Dictator!” (in Farsi: “Marg bar Diktator!”)

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