Global Day of Action July 25
11-Jul-2009 (4 comments)

New York, USA – TBA

London, England 4pm-7pm – Iranian Embassy

Los Angeles, USA 6pm-9pm – LA Federal Building at Veteran and Wilshire in Westwood

Paris, France – TBA

Chicago, USA – TBA

Frankfurt, Germany – TBA

Houston, USA – TBA

Orange County, USA – TBA

Hamburg, Germany – TBA

Barcelona, Spain 21:00 – Plaza Universitat
More info: contact Alborz Parsi at

San Diego, USA - TBA

Stockholm, Sweden – TBA

San Francisco, USA 12pm-4pm – City Hall
More info: contact Shima Bozorgi, Amnesty International Western Regional Office,, 415-288-1800 (Farsi also spoken)
or District 5 Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi, City of San Francisco Board of Supervisors, 415-554-6783

Austin, USA – TBA

Amsterdam, The Netherlands 12:30-15:30 – Amsterdam Museum plein
More info: contact Kamran Ashtary, +31 6 4659 3979

Denver, USA – TBA

Vancouver, Canada – TBA

Dusseldorf, Germany 12-2pm – Burgplatz >>>

recommended by Golbaang



Thank you

by IranFirst on

Thank you Golbaang.



Don't worry about the labelists especially CASMII, I just checked their site they have NO statements about current events in Iran ! They want no war (fine), but they don't even have a stance on people changing the government , so we won't have war !

Keep up the good work



CASMII lobby approved

by Fred on

CASMII lobby is having a hissy fit over this united4iran group branding them as CIA funded warmongering fraudulent left cover so and so.

 For those who know how CASMII lobby and its conjoined twin NIAC lobby operate, this is a seal of approval and clean bill of health for



IranFirst here is some more info. for you

by Golbaang on

Global Day of Action is July 25


you can get involved by emailing Hadi Ghaemi at

you can follow them on twitter: United4Iran





What date ?

by IranFirst on

Thanks Gilbaang

When is this ?