Changes vowed in Iran
Straits Time / AFP
07-Jul-2009 (9 comments)

The new government to be installed in a few weeks' time will put 'housing, employment and economic reform' on its agenda, he said in a televised address to the Iranian people following his controversial success in the June 12 poll.

'We must respect people's feelings, especially the youth,' said Mr Ahmadinejad, whose opponents allege he was only returned to office through vote rigging.

recommended by Shah Ghollam



shah gholam

by rish kosh (not verified) on

nice try
call me what ever you want just like your beloved IR media and Ahmaghynejad does...blame everything on foreigners and the west and call me and millions of iranians at home and abroad agents of this and that and zionist or british or shahi or jew, christian , bahai, zoroastrian sunni....I am non and all of the above..
but know this , there are more of me than you and we asked for a little extra freedom and you tried to crush this movement with your arrogance and A##s kissing to Hezbollah and now you are trying to divert news and spew IR garbage like your masters told you..pathetic how transparent and stupid your clan actually starting to believe your own lies ...


waste of news time

by rish kosh (not verified) on

same junk news to fill up space and to divert attention from why Ahmaghynejad and jalad Khamenei beat and killed Iranians that all they asked for was a bit of freedom.and trough this they used Lebanese hezbollah and Hamas to carry out this operation
I see all IR mouth pieces have been avoiding this issue (shah Gholam , WGM )at all cost since it has hit a nationalist anti Arab nerve amongst young Iranians that is growing angrier and has become the center of attention amongst many freedom fighters.
for the same reason they constantly bring up and blame foreigners and the west in IR media to divert attention at all cost that there were indeed foreigners involved on the government side (Lebanese Hezbollah and Hamas)

rosie is roxy is roshan

You never...

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

answered my response to this contributed news item of yours (you know, the one in which you wrongly translated Gharbzadegi as Westernization), and I did give a pretty lengthy commentary on both the relevance of Gharbzadegi within the modern context, and certain evidence that an atempted coup by the 'West' was improbable.  I know you were very busy posting about Israel all that week but since you seem rather loquacious today, I was wondering if you felt like giving it a go.-


Iran and the West: Hardened fronts the not unexpected result of the western “stunt”

Shah Ghollam

Mr. Rish Kosh ......

by Shah Ghollam on

You might just piss off your masters if you are not a fake and are true to your name as a "Rish Kosh". Let's see how man of a charactor are you by killing these rishoos! Go ahead make my day :) 



well finally

by rish kosh (not verified) on

yeah right your grand gesture!!! is financing Arabs killing Iranians
for the first time this jujeh basiji Shah Gholam Admits paying Hamas and Hezbollah to kill Iranians on this site!
be carefull shah gholam your bosses might have a punishment for you for this admittance.

Shah Ghollam

Paying victims is a grand gesture by any standards

by Shah Ghollam on


It is far more humane to give money to poor Arabs than passing it out to the rich Zionists to kill innocent children and women in my name here in the US with my tax dollars.


same utter garbage nonsense as before

by rish kosh (not verified) on

Ahmagy nejad called the coup oops I mean election most beautiful!!! I wonder if the definition of beauty for jalad khamenei means Iranian blood on the street by the hands of Hamas and Lebanese Hezbollah with a little help from their jujeh basiji friends like this shah gholam and WGM?
you are right though Changes are coming but aren't the kind you are hoping for Shah gholam khan.


Stoping Money to Arabs would be a Good Change..

by IranFirst on

If He stops the millions of dolloars of Iranain peopl's money going to you Arabs and Palestinains, then we know there really  is a CHANGE. Otherwise the same AAsh the same KAse

khaleh mosheh

Changes ahead

by khaleh mosheh on

I hear Dr AN is giving out free potato- How innovative of AN.