Zakaria: Iran regime has become a 'naked dictatorship'
03-Jul-2009 (one comment)

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Three leading Iranian reformists who have rejected the results of last month's election questioned the legitimacy of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government Wednesday.

This comes as Ahmadinejad is set to take office at the end of the month.

Presidential candidate Mehdi Karrubi wrote a letter in his party's newspaper, saying he would not recognize the government and vowing to "stand by the people and the revolution, until the end of my life."

His statement prompted Iran's government to block publication of the newspaper.

Ahmadinejad's main political rival, Mir Hossein Moussavi, also released a statement Wednesday criticizing the government and its crackdown on the media, which he said has created a "bitter, coup d'etat atmosphere" in Iran.

Iran's former reformist President Mohammad Khatami called on Iranians to keep up the struggle, noting that "all doors are not yet closed."

Author and foreign affairs analyst Fareed Zakaria spoke to CNN about this week's events in Iran.

CNN: What is the likely outcome of events in Iran?

Fareed... >>>
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Only a Pakistani can say such things !

by wgm1919 on

Fred Zakaria is a pakistani, pretending to be from India. Who knows may be he will change in a few years and become Chinese!