نامه سرگشاده مهندس عبدالعلی بازرگان به رهبر جمهوری اسلامی
MizanKhabar / Abdolali Bazargan
24-Jun-2009 (5 comments)

هوالعلی الکبیر

جناب آقای سید علی خامنه ای، نمیدانم با چه زبان و از کدامین ظلم و جنایتى با شما سخن بگویم که مشفقان و دلسوختگان ملت نگفته باشند؟ در نظام متمرکز و مطلقه ای که همه راهها منتهی به رأی و تصمیم شخصی شما گشته،  نامه‌های ناصحانه متعددی در ارتباط با تقلب انتخاباتی وسرکوب خونین معترضین به جنابعالی نوشته شده که هیچکدام هم پاسخی دریافت نکرده‌اند. بنده نیز امیدی ندارم این نوشته از کانال‌های کنترل شده ارتباطی بیت بگذرد و به رؤیت شما برسد، با این حال بنا به وظیفه ملی و دینی خود  نکاتی را یادآور می‌شوم.

در نظام ولایت مطلقه فقیه، شما و تئوریسین‌های این تِز مدعی هستید مشروعیت خود را نه از آراء اکثریت مردم، بلکه ازپیوند به ولایت اهل بیت مطهر پیامبرمکرم اسلام می‌گیرید. سرسلسله ولایت و عرفان در مکتب تشیع امیرالمومنین علی(ع) است که دیدگاه سیاسی خود و معیارهای مطلوب حکومتی را در "عهدنامه‌ای" که به "منشور حک... >>>


Abdolali Bazargan's demolition of Khameneii

by HasanEmami on

A point by point religious demolition of Ali Khameneii based on Mr. Bazargan's interpretation of Hazarat Ali's Manshureh Hokoomat Eslami.  It is absolutely brilliant and should be required reading by everyone.  Please send link to every Iranian that you know.  This is really good!



yes it does matter

by fozolie on

The reason it matters is that this 'do-gooder' gives this black regime an aura of religious authority and reasonableness which it does not have. He like his father for this reason is a charlatan and not to be trusted no matter how 'reasonable' he seems. Look at the actions, not the words.They are still trying to hoodwink everyone. Enough,wake up!

We have seen a lot of these letters from joje Eslami Fokolies (Souroush etc.) talking Akhoond lingo with the Akhoonds, showing off their superior knowledge and logic while people die. They are traitors to Iran and Iranians by chosing Islam over them.

Mr. Fozolie

Maryam Hojjat

The Letter!

by Maryam Hojjat on

Was excellent from Mr. Bazargan to Khamenei.  I think he was straight forward in every point with this Criminal Rahbar. may be Mr. Khomenei wakes up.

Thanks for posting it.

Payandeh IRAN & IRANIANs

Down with IRI 



by HasanEmami on

Does it really matter what his father did?!  The article is first rate.  You need people from within the system to bring it down.  As much as I also blame Mehdi Bazargan, let's not forget that many of us marched in the streets of Iran for Khomeini!  Focus your energies on creating a positive outcome for Iran.


Mr Bazargan and Jebhe Gheir Melli gave us Akhoond Rule

by fozolie on

He can object as much as he wants and quote as much Tazi he wants but this is his father's handiwork. That really makes me mad, how dense are these people?

Mr. Fozolie