سخنی با تحریمی ها پس از انتخابات!
14-Jun-2009 (3 comments)

اما امروز با مشارکت عظیم پیروز میدان ما هستیم نه دولت. چرا که دولت را وادار به عکس العمل غیر منطقی کردیم. عملی که تا مدتها گریبانگیر او خواهد بود و باعث کاهش بیش از پیش آبرویش در سطح بین المللی خواهد بود.

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Spot on!

by Ostaad on

شرکت گسترده مردم در انتخابات باعث شد تا نظام چهره واقعی خود را به همگان
نشان بدهد و نشان دهد در بی رحمی حتی به نزدیکان خود نیز رحم نخواهد نکند.

این کودتای سیاسی چیز تازه ای نبود. اتفاقی بود که مشابه آن را در چهار سال پیش شاهد بودیم.

A also argue the huge turnout actually tripped the regime so they came up with ridiculously large margins for Ahamdinejad to nail his "victory". I firmly believe the regime intended to declare him the winner from the very beginning, but they panicked and released unrealistic figures instead of doing what they did the first time Ahmadinejad "won". The "rahbar" screwed up too, but not waiting for the 3-day cooling-off period to pass before he jumped in amameh first and "approved" the results.

In short the "rahbar" and his gang screwed up big time. They'll pay a big price for their blunder by exposing their weaknesses to the people. This is proof positive the regime loses its nerves whenever the people are "dar sahneh". This is also proves beyond reasonable doubt those who advocated boycotting the "election" were dead wrong.  


You are so wrong

by freenet on

I hope there won't be alot of bloodshed. Otherwise you need to think hard about what you advocated. Advocating vote for a criminal regime, knowing that they will commit fraud.


The Prince

Excellent Article

by The Prince on

Totaly Agree! Thanks for posting.