A Global Peace Index (GPI) published Tuesday by the Australia-based Institute for Economics and Peace places Israel in the 141st spot, safer only than Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq which is the most dangerous country on the planet, according to the report.
>>>Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
mehdi mehdi mehdi first
by nojanthegreat on Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:20 PM PDTmehdi mehdi mehdi
first we are talking about them ruling the land not just being there.
and let me remind you they were also in Iran and in Egypt so should this country also become a Jews state ?
they only rule this land for 73 years and rest of it was ruled by others . they were send there by Cyrus the great who rebuild their temple.
they are not stupid ? its not the matter of stupidity. they fight for over 60 years with unknown future. now they also are being hated by most of the world. Europe don’t like them , American don’t care about them. they have domestic problems .
most of new comers who are from Russia, don’t like the native Jews and become racist. this new group don’t care about religion and don’t care about Jew , Arab conflict and they are ready to live with Arabs. Israeli youth are more ok with Arab than some Iranian lol
You (and Hamas) can only dream of living in the same state with the Israelis. Not now, not ever. and demography is not the only reason for it.
we are not dreaming of living with Israelis are you nuts ?
Hamas like the philistine idea which welcome the Jews and Muslims and Christian to live in it. with one or two flag.
and I like to live here in usa or Germany or Iran .
live the good dream mister
by Mehdi Mazloom on Fri Jun 12, 2009 06:57 PM PDTJews had lived in the region (modern Israel) on and off since 1312 BCE when King Salomon had built Jerusalem. Only delusional Johny-come-lately Islamic like you would question the facts, Jews history and cultural is written on every stone in Jerusalem.
When you show me a 2000 year old Dead Sea scrolls written in Arabic, instead of Hebrew, then come back here and vag vag kon about "73 years of presence".
Don't worry about the demographic problem. Jews and Israelis did not get to where they are today because they are stupid. They have already took this threat into consideration, a nd have an effective plan to head it off.
You (and Hamas) can only dream of living in the same state with the Israelis. Not now, not ever. and demography is not the only reason for it.
wow this is new
by nojanthegreat on Fri Jun 12, 2009 05:23 AM PDTisrael being 141 out of 144 country.
and mehdi before 1918 , this land that you are talking about were belong to ottomans , and before that Romans and before that Persians . Jews only rule on part of this land for 73 years and that’s what bible say .
the future of Israel is the past of south Africa, soon or later.
in 30 years Arabs who live in Israel ( not west bank or Gaza) will become majority. I wish I see that they, the day that Jews will become minority in their own land .
so if hamas and hzbollah lose the war and vanish , still Israel have will face destruction.
no problem Mehdi
by Anonymous1001 (not verified) on Tue Jun 09, 2009 04:37 PM PDTQuite frankly, I'm a little shocked by Captain's response. It's obvious that he is a disturbed individual. His behavior and language is deteriorating at an astonishing rate. If I had any thoughts or concerns that he truly knew who I was instead of his delusional suppositions, I WOULD be afraid. I don't know what his problem is but people like him scare the death out of me.
Capt_ayhab - you and anonymous 1001
by Mehdi Mazloom on Tue Jun 09, 2009 03:46 PM PDTBelow you wrote this:
Mazloomby capt_ayhab on Sun Jun 07, 2009 04:54 PM PDT
You bore the sh!t out of me. I have asked you many times to go and educate yourself before you open your big fat intake.
Honestly, it is so pathetic for a debater to be so ignorant and so f@@king stupid. Where ever did they dig you out of?
Give me a time line that THEY can prepare you for debate with me. If
all the intellect you have been referring to summarizes in pathetic
being like you then ,,,,, velam kon baba ahhhhhhhhhh
,,,,, I feel such a pity to even confront you MAZLOOM
If I catch you copy and paste from the ugly and stupid script that
they have given you, I am really going to castrate you once and for
Get me little pesarak?
You could very well use your own comments to yourself as well. Like this:
capt_ayhabby annonimus1001 on Sun Jun 07, 2009 04:54 PM PDT
You bore the sh!t out of me. I have asked you many times to go and educate yourself before you open your big fat intake.
Honestly, it is so pathetic for a debater to be so ignorant and so f@@king stupid. Where ever did they dig you out of?
Give me a time line that THEY can prepare you for debate with me. If
all the intellect you have been referring to summarizes in pathetic
being like you then ,,,,, velam kon baba ahhhhhhhhhh
,,,,, I feel such a pity to even confront you annonimous 1001
If I catch you copy and paste from the ugly and stupid script that
they have given you, I am really going to castrate you once and for
Get me little pesarak?
(annonimous I hope you don't mine my reply mentioning your s/n)
by Anonymous101 (not verified) on Tue Jun 09, 2009 01:49 PM PDTYou really need to get a grip. You are classic delusional!!!! Again, and this is ALL I have to say to you, you prove what kind of person you are with every vulgar word out of your mouth. And I'll point out to you that many people have got YOUR number as well. You dont' disrespect me. You disrespect yourself. Now. Go back to your useless little life and leave me alone. Got THAT? :-0
by capt_ayhab on Tue Jun 09, 2009 01:32 PM PDTHere is how it works. I know who you are and you know it. If you have an issue with me, that is your problem, I could not care less. But don't be chasing me around trying to make a fool out of yourself by talking trash and pretending that you have class.
In contrast, you do not possess any social mannerism, nor do you posses any form of knowledge nor education to be able to conduct yourself in a manner resembling a human being.
You absolutely have no reason to be talking the way you talk to me, What kind of vulgar language have seen in my posting that you jump in like you do and present your mental fart around here? If you have anything against me I suggest you email me via IC email and bring up your grievance.
Short of that dear madam, I have tried my best up to this point to remain calm and not to disrespect you, but seemingly you are the type who enjoys to be disrespected, and the type who thinks she is symbol of culture and class.
Well you are not madam, because if you had any class, you would not be conducting your self like a loud mouth trailer trash. You know very well many people share this very very low opinion about you. Why you have chosen to chase my fat @ss around and demonstrate how hollow and ignorant you are is beyond me.
Only remember one thing, you were the one who started your stupid, childish and ignorant attacks on me. I am not here to make friends, I am here to learn and stay in contact by challenging people with their ideas. I will refuse, from this moment on to hold back when it comes to you and disrespecting me.
Lets hope this dialogue clears out the air, for I have nothing against you as a person, it is your rude, stupid, arrogant, and ignorant remarks that annoy me, And trust me Missy, you are nothing but a little annoyance, just like a pesky little bug.
you have anything to tell me i suggest you to keep it off the threads, for people work hard on these threads to represent their ideology, their beliefs, and their convictions. They do not work on so arrogant and good for nothing beings like YOU to come here and try to release herself of all the frustrations she has.
Have a great day Madam, and stay out of my way
by anonymous1001 (not verified) on Tue Jun 09, 2009 09:43 AM PDTYour empty threats mean nothing. Your pathetic and crude insults show exactly the kind of person YOU are. You threaten to castrate someone? And then dare to call ME low class? You call someone fucking stupid and then dare to call ME rude? No, I don't think so. :-0.
But go right ahead and continue. It's great fun watching you implode. I don't need to do anything to show people what kind of person you are. You're doing a great job yourself. LOL
Oh, and as far as getting a life, I have one, thank you very much. And it ISN'T spending as much time on iranian.com as you do! I won't even address the education comment. It's simply a waste of time. :-0
by capt_ayhab on Tue Jun 09, 2009 08:33 AM PDTNice way of showing your class. One thing you have to establish first and that is if ignorant, low class, rude, good for nothing beings like you who tries ever so desperately to resemble a human being mean anything to me ;-)
Cheers madam and get some education, class followed by a life.
now we see the true captain!
by anonymous1001 (not verified) on Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:09 AM PDTI wondered how long it would be before you showed how vulgar you really are. Given Mehdi's calm and respectful tone of disagreement, you reply with such vulgar and crude tone of voice and language. Your position is deteriorating before our very eyes.
afirmation, You run out of excuses
by Mehdi Mazloom on Sun Jun 07, 2009 05:27 PM PDTAh, a typical response from pundits. whenever they run out of room to to counter, then comes the blame game of "copy n paste from other source"
go ahead capt_, I challenge you search anywhere on the Internet and bring it here.
You just run out of ideas yourself to counter.
Otherwise, you have no freaking clue in regards to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Do yourself a favor. Stick to Iranian issues and don't profess to know about Israel, or even the Pals. You don't.
Until now, I took the time and gave you the courtesy and replied to your questions. No more
by capt_ayhab on Sun Jun 07, 2009 04:54 PM PDTYou bore the sh!t out of me. I have asked you many times to go and educate yourself before you open your big fat intake.
Honestly, it is so pathetic for a debater to be so ignorant and so f@@king stupid. Where ever did they dig you out of?
Give me a time line that THEY can prepare you for debate with me. If all the intellect you have been referring to summarizes in pathetic being like you then ,,,,, velam kon baba ahhhhhhhhhh
,,,,, I feel such a pity to even confront you MAZLOOM
If I catch you copy and paste from the ugly and stupid script that they have given you, I am really going to castrate you once and for all.
Get me little pesarak?
by Mehdi Mazloom on Sat Jun 06, 2009 08:34 PM PDTakha jenab. On which planet do you live my good man?.
I do not copy from any Israeli propaganda source and no crap. I write what I write from my own experience and sources.I write whatever I think I should say, not what you want me to write.
Israelis do not need to be spoon fed about events around them. thank god, we have open and free press. we read from multiple sources, compare them to our own experiences on the field (we all served in the IDF), and see the good, bad, and the ugly with our own eyes, and hear with our own ears. So please stop your accusation of me writing from a script given to me by others.
You are asking me to provide you with simple answers to complex questions. I won't. Either you wish to read from me what you like to read, Or read how we the Israelis see things from our own experience and perspectives.
I can sit here and ballshit you all day long, and play with you from here to Timbuktu. That will defeat the whole purpose of intellectual exchange, and polemics.
I am fully aware that, my positions posted here do not conform to your own pre-conceived and pre-conditioned fears and prejudices against us. That is ok with me, as long as those argument are made on an rational and intellectual level, devoid of excessive depositories toward me or my country.
What I like to see from those Iranian pundits, rational and thought out responses, rather then garbage of hate spewed by few posters.
I really couldn't care less whether you agree with me or not. You state your position, and I will state mine. if we agree on something, fine, and of not fine also.
Again I coming back to same argument made long time ago. many of us the Israelis know you the Iranians far better then you know us. That bugs many of you out there, It is is evidenced by vulgar and ugly labels whenever those idiots can not reply to our position on an intellectual level.
Finally to answer you question. The fact are simple. Iran & Israel are at war - declared, perpetuated by your own leaders against Israel. Therefore, it is incumbent upon Israel to use all means available to it - YES including deception tactics to win that war against your despotic mullahs in Tehran. Otherwise what quarrel Iran has against Israel - nothing. What did we do to the Iranian people to be hated so much by your regime. Again, Nothing - Except blind religious idiology.
Have a nice day mister.
by capt_ayhab on Sat Jun 06, 2009 02:27 PM PDTShazdeh nokaretam, stop digressing and writing from script that is given to you.
Simple yes or no will do the trick.
Let me summarized it for you, If any of my questions is ok with you for Israel to do, then lets stop whining about what Iran does, deal?
If you claim the musad doing their job, no sh!t Sherlock, that is why they call them intelligence service, isn't it? With the same token IF that is alright with you for Israel to do those fabrications, then stop nagging and rehashing your script about whats Iran's intelligence service is doing .
Case closed, since you truly walked into that one. I realize that how valiantly you tried to turn the table but refigh you failed. ;-)
Sailing away..............
capt. answering your question.
by Mehdi Mazloom on Sat Jun 06, 2009 11:51 AM PDTQuote: Is it ok for you for a Government to fabricate lies?
Considering the source from which those accusation came from, what makes you believe that an obscure outlet called "Inter Service Press", which I never heard of them before is telling you the truth.
Would Israel jeopardize its deep and long relationship with US by fabricating evidence?. After all, US has enough intelligence resources to verify anything the Mossad gives them.
Quote: Is it cool with you for a government to conduct covert actions against a sovereign country?
1. Isn't Iran being accused by Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Israel, and Egypt for doing just that in their respective countries.
2. When an elected president of Iran threatens Israel to remove it from the map?. Israel is justified to take any and all measures to defend itself.
Quote: Is it ok with you for a country to fabricate documents as important as nuclear capability against other sovereign county?
What the world makes you so convinced that Israel is fabricating. After all, If your claim is any true, why Iran is continuing with their enrichment full speed. The Mullahs themselves are backing up Israel claim of continued enrichment program.
What do you think it takes to move from 4% enrichment (required for nuclear power plant), to 97% (required for bomb). Not much ha.?
Quote: Is it ok for you for a government to jeopardize livelihood of another
nation by fabricating lies, in order to start war under false pretense?
Iranian regime's hostile and ominous policies towards Israel, leaves only two choices for Israel. To chose between the lives of their woman and children, or the livelihood of whoever "other nation" you are alluding to.
My country is not going to wait until it is "wiped off the map", to tell the rest of the world "we told you so".
Quote: Is it ok for you for a country to fabricate lies of this magnitude
in order to destabilize an entire region, ME for their deceitful
Verbaitum, Isn't that what EXACTLY the international community is accusing the regime in Iran.? You bet they do. You just won't admit it.
Quote: Is it ok for you for a country to create such an scare in entire
world and potentially jeopardize lives of 1000's if not millions?
Agha, Israel is purported to posses nuclear arsenal since the mid-60's. No one (even its arab neighbors) seem to have had problem with it.
However, since 1990's, when its nuclear program was disclosed to the world, Iran seem to be the central concern to the rest of the countries in the region and EU.
The fact is, the rest of the world trusts the Israelis to posses nuclear weapon, by far more then a group of religious fundamentalists in Tehran, with their finger on the nuclear trigger.
The bottom line is, my good man, all your poignant questioins are more pertinet to the despotice regime of Iran, then to Israel.
by capt_ayhab on Fri Jun 05, 2009 01:43 PM PDTYou certainly did not spare the detail of your regular lines. However you failed to answer the question.
Let me ask you more plainly:
Is it ok for you for a Government to fabricate lies?
Is it cool with you for a government to conduct covert actions against a sovereign country?
Is it ok with you for a country to fabricate documents as important as nuclear capability against other sovereign county?
Is it ok for you for a government to jeopardize livelihood of another nation by fabricating lies, in order to start war under false pretense?
Is it ok for you for a country to fabricate lies of this magnitude in order to destabilize an entire region, ME for their deceitful purposes?
Is it ok for you for a country to create such an scare in entire world and potentially jeopardize lives of 1000's if not millions?
Do not digress, answer the questions then we shall continue.
Capt_ayhab - Intelligent source.
by Mehdi Mazloom on Fri Jun 05, 2009 01:18 PM PDTw/o going into much details about Israel's role with Iran's nuclear program. All is needed is use of common sense.
1. Israel's Mossad had already proved itself to be one of the most effective intelligent services in the world. It didn't get there because they are stupid.
2. No other country on earth has better penetration inside the Iranian regime as Israel does. No other country know more about the regime, or closer to its leaders in Iran then the Mossad. NO ONE. (Even kiss the president's own chick in public).
3. Iran's current regime had openly and clearly made its objective to remove Israel from the map abundantly clear. Therefore it is natural that, IRI in on top of Israel's "to do list".
Everybody knows, Israel is defending itself against these fanatics nuts in Tehran.
4. No other element helps with Mossad's credibility, more then the Akhmaghenejad, and other stupid IRI leaders. The more they talk, the more Israel exploits their bellicose assertion to turn public opinion against them. "You see, these Mullahs themselves confirm of their intention to destroy us".
I can assure you these guys in Jerusalem know what they are talking about.
Capt_ayhab - now you are cooking.
by Mehdi Mazloom on Fri Jun 05, 2009 12:46 PM PDTQuote:
Let me correct you;
Akhunds are only koooni while attending the school in Qum, just like
catholic alter boys, however they become [Bokon] when they grow up,
just like catholic priests. ;-)
You can safely add to the list few rabbis in Israel too. They all scums.
Otherwise, they are all the same.
sage' zard ba-radare' shoghal.
by capt_ayhab on Thu Jun 04, 2009 04:08 PM PDTThanks for the response, you made an statement which said [Tell every on, their nuclear program is for peaceful means, while it
is clear to everyone that, they are trying to do the opposite.], which I like to address.
There is a report out from Antiwar.com which is astonishingly amazing. Take a look and tell me your take.
Report Ties Dubious Iran Nuclear Docs to Israel
Analysis by Gareth Porter*
That false and misleading charge from an
intelligence official of a foreign country, who was not identified but
was clearly Israeli, reinforces two of Israel’s key propaganda themes
on Iran – that the 2007 U.S. National Intelligence Estimate on Iran is
wrong, and that Tehran is poised to build nuclear weapons as soon as
But it also provides new evidence that Israeli intelligence was the
source of the collection of intelligence documents which have been used
to accuse Iran of hiding nuclear weapons research.
The Committee report, dated May 4, cited unnamed "foreign analysts" as
claiming intelligence that Iran ended its nuclear weapons-related work
in 2003 because it had mastered the design and tested components of a
nuclear weapon and thus didn’t need to work on it further until it had
produced enough sufficient material.
That conclusion, which implies that Iran has already decided to build
nuclear weapons, contradicts both the 2007 National Intelligence
Estimate on Iran, and current intelligence analysis. The NIE concluded
that Iran had ended nuclear weapons-related work in 2003 because of
increased international scrutiny, and that it was "less determined to
develop nuclear weapons than we have been judging since 2005".
End Excerpt.
Mazloom agha
by disbelief (not verified) on Thu Jun 04, 2009 03:15 PM PDTThe very ones who seek to disclaim anti-semitism are usually the very worst (in disguise of course). There is no question that you are capable of making the distinction between criticizing and demonizing. And Mola clearly is anti-semitic. That is no secret on iranian.com. Those who attempt to deny that are simply trying to deflect the truth. There are many who can and will discuss this matter intelligently, calmly and with respect. These certain people however are incapable of doing so. I don't know why they bother to deny it though.
And to anonthistime: Your glass house is cracking all around you.
by capt_ayhab on Thu Jun 04, 2009 02:48 PM PDTba Raze mazerat khdmate hame aghayoun va khanooma, I can not resist this.
Let me correct you;
Akhunds are only koooni while attending the school in Qum, just like catholic alter boys, however they become [Bokon] when they grow up, just like catholic priests. ;-)
Capt_ayhab - anti semitism
by Mehdi Mazloom on Thu Jun 04, 2009 02:40 PM PDTyou can be sure that, I don't use this phrase very lightly. I was merely asking him if he is an anti-semitic or not. Critisizing the policies of my country is one thing. wring this!!!
Mola wrote:
Israelis are a bunch of racist freeloaders who are occupying somebody
else's land and spending somebody else's money, our tax dollars. The
Zionist regime has survived by creating mafia like organizations
(AIPAC) that try to manipulate and blackmail the Western and American
governments. But this is the end of the road for the Zionist. American
people are waking up.
This is anti-semitic comment, in disguise. (Zionists mean Jews).
In regard to "Akhood miraf pan midat ve-khodesh miraff koon midat".
In my childhood I used to here it from the Muslim neighbors in Tehran speaking among themselves. I brought it here to demonstrate that those despotic akhoodah in Tehran claim to be peaceful regime, while they are trying to subvert neighboring Arab states. Pretend to be fighting for the Pals, while it is clear to everyone with a grain of intelligence that, the Mullahs (yet again) are just exploiting these poor Pals suffering to advance their hegemonic objectives in the region. They pretent to be the friend of the Lebanese, while they arm Hizbollah to the teeth, such that, even the legitimate Lebanese military force is afraid to confront them.Tell every on, their nuclear program is for peaceful means, while it is clear to everyone that, they are trying to do the opposite.
No one trust them anymore.
by Kaveh Nouraee on Thu Jun 04, 2009 02:39 PM PDTI'm trying out this new editing software....please give me your feedback. Thank you.
How can you possibly rank an artificial, apartheid entity imposed on the indegenous people of Palestine?
The only description that I can think of that clearly defines the ranking and nature of this entity in a clear manner is: CRIMINAL. Further breakdown: THIEVES, LIARS, MURDERERS.
How can you possibly rank a criminal, bigoted entity imposed on the people of Iran, including Christians, Jews and Baha'is?
The only description that I can think of that clearly defines the ranking and nature of this entity in a clear manner is: CRIMINAL. Further breakdown: THIEVES, LIARS, OPPRESSORS, MURDERERS.
Zionist Ranking
by smhb on Thu Jun 04, 2009 02:29 PM PDTHow can you possibly rank an artificial, apartheid entity imposed on the indegenous people of Palestine?
The only description that I can think of that clearly defines the ranking and nature of this entity in a clear manner is: CRIMINAL. Further breakdown: THIEVES, LIARS, MURDERERS.
by Mehdi Mazloom on Thu Jun 04, 2009 02:17 PM PDTyou said it loud and clear.
what struck me here, when some of those ill informed and myopic posters resort to ethnic name calling, that is the moment when they have run out of ideas. Since they know little about the Israeli-Pal conflict, they resort to insults.
In regards to Israel being 141 or any other ranking for that matter. I guaranty to anyone that if hypothetically Italy, France, Germany & Austria, decide on territorial claim against Switzerland. (each will claim sovereignty over those territories bordering with their own). Start launching rocket from their respective countries onto Switzerland to "liberate" their land, Provoke this neutral and peaceful country to respond with military force to stop the rockets onto Geneva, or Zürich. Then Switzerland will also could be ranked 100 in most........ whatever.
The truth is, Hamas & Hizbollah provock the most mighty and fircely determained military force with stupid rockets onto Israeli cities and town. When Israel moves in to stop them, then these pathetic groups run to the world media and show the mutilated bodies of their children, whom, themselves had put them in harms way.
The lives of the Palestianins in Gaza is not any more, or less important then those Israelis living near Gaza.
by capt_ayhab on Thu Jun 04, 2009 02:12 PM PDTGosh dang it, Armani is my favorite brand, you mean I have to boycott them as well and start wearing birthday suite to classes?
cheers ;-)
by capt_ayhab on Thu Jun 04, 2009 02:06 PM PDTP/S Mazloom,
You crack me up, but i have to with all due honesty admire your persistence in defending your belief, but come on dude, what is it you are trying to say in Farsi:
Akhoon mi-raft pan midot, ve khodesh miraft XXX midat.
by capt_ayhab on Thu Jun 04, 2009 01:54 PM PDTI am not getting one point from the comment.
Why is it that ANYONE, EVERYONE who criticizes Israel becomes an Anti Semite.
Let me share my few about this Anti Semite issue. I truly believe that when this phrase is used on each and every occasion, it really damages the Jews more than any body else. Remember stigma is NOT to be labeled as such, and when reporters, thinker, common ordinary people, EVERYONE, once they are labeled as anti Semite unjustly, the stigma is gone for good.
This can be seen in many reports and the rise of anti Semitic activities around the globe.
Mazloom, by now you should know and we totally differ in our views, and by now you should know that although I am 100% for peace and existence of Israel and Jews, but my friend, pulling this card at any occasion only is hurting the very cause you are fighting for. No one deserves to be target of hate NO ONE.
Just a friendly observation
Anonymously this time
by Kaveh Nouraee on Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:18 PM PDTAs if you're really that anonymous.
Who said #99 is worse? Do you see anything indicating that being ranked #99 is worse than being ranked #141?
If you do, (which obviously you did), then it proves beyond any doubt that you are not a rocket scientist...just a space cadet.
I, for one, don't live in a glass house. But I'm also not going to jump up and down like a fool and criticize a country for being #141 when mine is only #99, placing it in the company of such places as Uganda, Syria, and Saudi Arabia.
Iran is ranked higher than Mexico, Cambodia and the Congo. Iran is such a fine example for peace isn't it?
Brag about Iran's ranking when they're in the Top 20. Until then, hush. And don't bother with the anonymity. You're really not that good at it.
99 or 141 out of what? 144?
by Anonymously this time (not verified) on Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:43 AM PDTDo we really have to be a rocket scientist to be able to compare these numbers? which one is worse?
how can anyone charge back at the people who are attacking rank 141st by pretending 99 is worse? it must be Israeli math!
Message to Israeli zionists and their supporters:
People who live in glass houses... If I were you I would hang my head in shame and keep quiet!
How arrogant!