To the Republicans, everything Barack Obama does is a sign of weakness and a threat to American sovereignty.
News Week / Michael Freedman
16-May-2009 (one comment)

Listening to the paranoid Republicans, you'd think that Barack Obama is
working night and day to give away what's left of U.S. power. He's
exposing America to a mortal threat from ... Nicaragua. Setting up the
dollar to fall as the premier global currency. Former U.N. ambassador
John Bolton recently said, in all seriousness, that "people close to"
the Obama team are conspiring to cede U.S. sovereignty to a world
government. Former GOP leader Newt Gingrich sees a "weird pattern" in
which Obama administration lawyers have sought to defend the terrorists
that Bush tried to put away. One GOP congressman after another
complains that Obama himself is aiding the "enemies of America"—Hugo
Chávez, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad—by talking to them, and is setting the
country on the road to -European-style socialism.

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Mehdi Mazloom

GOP - Sour losers

by Mehdi Mazloom on

Headed by a Bimbaugh radio talk show host, who is quick to RUSH to cut down anyone who disagree with his twisted and sick ideology of I, me, and myself, this party had screwed up the country. It is time replace the boys with the man to do the job. 

What really astonishes me is, the mind set of many of those 20M Joe Six packs who listen to this idiot 3 hours a day, 5 days a week, and follow his rubbish day in and day out

Just look at these staggering figures . This man earns a $1M a week - $200K each day he spent behind the microphone. Or an average $66K / hour.

These Joe-six-packs idiots,  many of them most likely make $10 - $12 / hour,  Do they really still think Limbaugh is there to serve their interest?.or the interest of the big business who underwrite his staggering salary.

What Limbaugh / Bimbaugh, or Hannity / Vanity, or O'reilly managed to accomplish is to appeal to these less educated and ill informed people fears and prejudices. (yeah baby, we are talking "illigal immigrants", blink blink Mexican and other dark skinned people, and the "high crime" (Blacks) in this country).

Their main objective is "ratings", and to get these Joe blows to buy the advertisers products. 

Are we still wonder why slogans, labels, and 30 second commercial are the ones which win elections in this country - instead of rational, open and in depth public polemics.