Netanyahu asks pope to condemn Iran
Ynet / Ahiya Raved
14-May-2009 (12 comments)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Pope Benedict XVI on Thursday and asked him to condemn Iranian announcements on its intentions to "wipe Israel off the map". "I asked him, as a moral figure, to make his voice heard loud and continuously against the declarations coming from Iran of their intention to destroy Israel. I told him it cannot be that at the beginning of the 21st century there is a state which says it is going to destroy the Jewish state, there is no aggressive voice being heard condemning this," Netanyahu said

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all i want to know is that

by nojanthegreat on

mr Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu first need to condem israel actions against civilians in gaza and west bank . and anonymois fish , pope need not to say do anything about ww2 era just because jews were end up dead in it, jews kil jesus lol and catalic all around the world were not in faver of jews . dont forget as mr q mentioned american were not in love with jews or even british and we know for sure russian who deport jews to the west of their borders were not inlove with jews. you can not see the world in ww2 era with your today vision. anti jew comment was told all around and was not only german think to do . you can ask around .

anonymous fish

i just think that if you're going to open

by anonymous fish on

that particular can of worms, you're setting yourself up.  as pointed out time and time again, there are real-life atrocities going on everywhere in the world... let the Pope speak out against that if he wants.  you know what they say... sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me.  get over it already.  and this pretty much sums up my feelings on the whole thing.  a whole lot of big words coming out of everyone's mouth.  kinda like verbal diarrhea... :-) 


Anonymous fish

by Abarmard on

I would assume that if he "condemns" Iran is the safer route to go. It won't cost him anything. Yet if he does do that, it would not be worth as much than if he actually said such remark before Netanyahu's suggestion.

Regardless as a common knowledge it is not nice for a host to put his/her guest in an awkward position like this.

anonymous fish


by anonymous fish on

but of course you're right.  it's a no-win situation at this point.  if he DOES speak out, he's going to be accused of being a puppet of israel.  if he doesn't... he's going to be vilified as being anti-semitic.  his being a member of the hitler youth does not hold him in good regard.  i don't care how forced it might have been.  my personal thoughts... they're holding his feet to the fire as punishment for his handling of the mcClatchy issue.  not sure i blame them but i don't like the suggested implication that he is obligated to do anything.  just more friggin' games.  and that will ultimately be the end of organized religion.  they just don't know when to keep their mouths shut. 


If the pope does condemn Iran

by Abarmard on

Is it the pope that has condemned Iran or is it Netanyahu?

hmmm, too confusing ;)



by capt_ayhab on

Refreshing to see little bit of united front on this subject.

Religion out of politics, simple . Thanks guys



I am with anonymous fish on this one

by Bavafa on

The Catholic church should apologies for their past silence during the holocaust and they should learn from history and not repeat their mistake again. They must speak so loudly against all the injustice and the miseries that is now being brought to the Palestinians by Zionist.

Honestly, I was some what surprised that he has visited the Palestinian refugee camps and have shown his support for their cause, just not loudly enough and often enough.



The Yabu's hypocrisy

by Q on

The Yabu grew up in Pennsylvania but he hasn't seen fit to talk about antisemetic remarks by US Presdients like Nixon and Reagan.

The Yabu wants to condemn Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, but he has no problem shaking hands with his current puppet Mahmoud Abbas, who wrote his Ph.D. dissertation on why Holocaust was a myth, a "zionist fantasy". No Israeli official ever talks about that, but they sure know how to condemn Iran or Hamas til the cows come home.

The Yabu is not worth the paper his name is printed on.

anonymous fish

no, there is a difference

by anonymous fish on

between the two.  speaking out against the holocaust is one thing.  this is another.  the Pope failed miserably during WWII.  i AM a catholic, so in this, i know what i'm talking about.  this is political.  that was a mortal sin.


anonymous fish

by smhb on

Are you serious? Leave the pope out of it. They dont leave anyone out of it. They demand appologies and compensation from everyone and anyone.

Other popes have been berated and atatcked and pressured to appologize for catholic churches alledged silence during WWII.

They use their massive propaganda machinary and the feeling of guilt they have inculcated in the minds and hearts of westerners to push them into servitude.

Their arrogance knows no limits.

Kaveh Nouraee

Bozo He's a Yo-Yo

by Kaveh Nouraee on

I read this on the AP website and started cracking up.

He is such a putz.

anonymous fish

for heaven's sake!

by anonymous fish on

why should the Pope get in the middle of this mess.  i hope he knows to keep his mouth shut.  i'm going to prove i'm not a hyprocrite... :-)... and say that netanyahu is pushing the envelope on this one.  it's for sure israel has kept up it's own "bad iran" mantra.  not saying one is better than the other... they're both guilty in my book.  but leave the Pope out of it already!!!!   little reminder of seperation of church and state.  hear it... see it... LIVE IT.