Iran court hears Roxana Saberi appeal
10-May-2009 (2 comments)

A court in Iran is hearing an appeal from jailed US-Iranian reporter Roxana Saberi, two days earlier than originally expected. Ms Saberi's lawyer said it was not clear when a ruling would be announced, but that he was optimistic that the 32-year-old would be acquitted. Ms Saberi was convicted of spying for the US - a charge she denied

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Increase the sentence!

by agha shirazi (not verified) on

Remember, appeals can go either way
That outta sock it to Obama and the Imperialist West!

Maryam Hojjat

Good Luck

by Maryam Hojjat on

to Roxana in her apeal.

Payandeh Iran & Iranian

Down wih IRI