US Congress Bill seeks direct 'Green card' to PhD holders
The Economic Times / PTI
08-Apr-2009 (3 comments)

WASHINGTON: In an effort to retain the best foreign talent in the country, a bill has been introduced in the US Congress, which if passed, would give direct "permanent residency" to overseas PhD students, including from India. As such these foreign students would be exempted from applying for H-1B visas or other work visas to stay and work in the United States. However, not all PhD would be eligible for the popular "Green Card". As per the bill introduced by Jeff Flake, Republican Congressman from Arizona, only those foreign nationals having completed PhDs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) would be eligible to directly apply.

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rosie is roxy is roshan

that means all iranians..

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

except you.

so much the better. they think too much. 

anonymous fish

for the purposes

by anonymous fish on

of keeping young talented minds who were educated IN the united states and to encourage them to STAY in the united states and work FOR the united states, i think it's a great idea.  they are regulating the fields that they are encouraging.

congratulations to those enterprising and talented young people!

Maryam Hojjat

Too late for me

by Maryam Hojjat on

It took me many years to get my permenant residency.  However, I am glad for younger Ph.D. students.  they deserve it.  guess what?, the marriages for GReen Card also decreases.