Save a watt and the Earth
Cnet / Martin LaMonica
27-Mar-2009 (2 comments)

Earth Hour is sort of like open source movement against global warming. On Saturday, March 28 at 8:30 P.M. millions of people in thousands of cities will turn off the lights for one hour to raise awareness about the link between global warming and energy use. Started in Australia two years ago, the event is mushrooming thanks in part to the Internet and social media.

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khaleh mosheh

The force is strong with that one but..

by khaleh mosheh on

Joined the Dark side, he has.


Blatant Hypocrisy

by John on

This Earth Hour is pure, unadulterated nonsense.  It's all about feeling good about yourself because you turned off your lights for an hour.  How about making some serious changes year-round instead?

Every year in my hometown thousands of bozos march in the Earth Day parade and criticize our politicians for not adhering to the Kyoto Protocol.  Then when the parade is over they get back into their cars and SUVs and drive to their suburban homes where they turn on their air conditioner(s), big screen TV(s) and computer(s), then jump into their heated backyard swimming pool.

Oh, and it takes the municipal workers several hours to clean up the tens of thousands of plastic water bottles and other trash that these yahoos threw on the sidewalks and streets during the "eco-" parade.