Israeli former President Indicted on multiple Rape charges
CNN / Shira Medding
09-Mar-2009 (35 comments)

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Israel's attorney general will indict former President Moshe Katsav on charges of rape and sexual assault of a number of his employees, the country's justice ministry said Sunday.
Katsav will also be charged with obstruction of justice, Attorney General Menachem Mazuz said in a statement.

recommended by capt_ayhab


Mehdi Mazloom

kaveh - Kudos

by Mehdi Mazloom on

Your post is one of the funniest one I have seen. Wonderful job.

Kaveh Nouraee

Just In Time for Passover!!

by Kaveh Nouraee on

The Four Questions that shall be asked by the youngest member of the family at the Katsav dinner table during Passover Seder:

Why is it that on all other nights we do not dip our food even once, but on this night we dip them twice?

To symbolize your pedar dipping his doodool in places it doesn't belong. Not once, but twice.

Why is it that on all other nights during the year we eat either leavened bread or matza, but on this night we eat only matza?

Because in order to afford your Baba's legal bills, we can only afford to eat matza.

Why is it that on all other nights we eat all kinds of vegetables, but on this night we eat bitter herbs?

Actually, that's your father's salad plate. Pass it over to him. I seasoned his salad with arsenic vinegrette.

Why is it that on all other nights we dine either sitting upright or reclining, but on this night we all recline?

What difference does it make? We'll all be dining on the floor soon enough.

anonymous fish

i agree and add that rather than create a

by anonymous fish on

negative impression towards israel, it's important to note that the expectation of officials is unconditional.  they are not above the law.  i commend officials for pursuing criminal charges against anyone who has violated their position.  another example of the shared values of israel and the US. 

thanks Cap'n!



by capt_ayhab on

Firstly I am glad you like it. 

Second, you are right about Ha'aretz, being perfectly honest they are one of most prestigious and unbiased papers around and I have learned to hold great deal of respect for them.

I do occasionally write them and command them on their articles. God knows world can use few more news organizations like Ha'aretz. 

For that fact, I wish Iran had an organization like such. Unfortunately with as much censorship that goes on Iran it is next to impossible for a paper to exist and to expose the dirt on  criminal activities of some of them Akhunds. Mainly it is up to the blogger's to expose them. Incidentally, Iranian are third largest blogger community around which I am certain you have heard of them.

As you see, I do NOT hold a blind prejudice against anyone. Besides there are quite a buzz around about this particular news, here are some blogs you might wanna check out.

cheers dude and BE GOOD



Mehdi Mazloom

capt_ayhab - Thanks

by Mehdi Mazloom on

Thank you for bringing all these articles about law and order from Israel, where no one is above the law.

(psst, let me share with you a little secret. the Newspaper Ha'aretz does better job at exposing these things. This paper is more credible then CNN).

mmmmmmmmm (scratching my pad). do you think we are going to read similar articles on the subject of indictment of corrupt leader(s) in Iran from Teheran's leading newspaper.?

Neah, I doubt it.