Sudan's President Bashir defies warrant, expels aid groups
Christian Science Monitor
07-Mar-2009 (6 comments)

Sudan has ordered 13 humanitarian aid agencies expelled from the country since the ICC announced the arrest warrant...The groups include Oxfam, CARE, and Save the Children.  Aid workers warned that the expulsion order could spark a humanitarian crisis for up to 2 million people in Darfur who are directly served by the…agencies, receiving food, shelter and medical supplies.  

rosie is roxy is roshan

IRI poster child denies war crimes with war crimes

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

The overview of the situation isn't all in this article but it's in others all over the web. I'm trying to piece it all together. Sudan's preident, al-Bashir was indicted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes in Darfur. The UN Secretary General vigorously supported the indictment but the motion for the UN to officially support it was vetoed in the Security Council by China on grounds it would be detrimental to the peace process in Sudan. However China gets most of its oil from northern Sudan (Darfur has no oil).

There appear to be two main blocks which support the veto, one on similar grounds to China and mostly in (black) Africa and one from various countries in our "Muslim world" on grounds that the indictment is unustified, that Darfur is an internal Sudanese matter, and that the indictment is part of a Western conspiracy to impose neo-Colonalist hegemony in Sudan. IRI and Hamas naturally belong to the latter block and announced their condemnation of the war crimes indictment simultaneously to holding the Palestian Summit in Tehran, whose main purpose was to get the Hague to indict Israeli government officials for war crimes. They then sent diplomatic missions to Sudan in solidarity with al-Bashir. //

The contention that the indictment harms the peace process i puzzling to me since al-Bashir cannot be extradited, so as long as he remains in Sudan it seems to me that business could go on as usual. I also note that Russia, who collaborates on IRI's nuclear and weapons programs, did not veto the UN proposal; however, unlike China, they do not get their oil from Sudan.

Al-Bashir has just retalliated to the iindictment by expelling all Western humitarian aid NGO's from Sudan, including Oxfam, CARE and Save the Children, claiming that they are part of this  international conspiracy and that they submitted false testimony to the Hague, which al-Bashir can prove. Over two million Darfurians are dependent on these organizations for their survival and an imminent humanitarian crisis of epic proportions is predicted by the expelled agencies.



hmmm I wonder... .

by tsion on

Where the rest of IRI sympathizer club are to either pretend shock or have the decency to support their lovely humanitarian regime that is the sign of the pride and power... or at least change the subject to Israel as one of them has already done here. Q? ID? Alter-ego entityt? NP? ...The rest of the gang? Ahhh.... the gang is on vacation or what?


rosie is roxy is roshan

Indict them all.

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

Bush, Israeli regime, al-Bashir..equal opportunity indicter.

Interestingly, Britain has given the green light to all European-initiated investigations of Israeli war crimes as well as announcing its intention to negotiate with Hezbollah (which is one step away from Hamas). My own feeling is that this is not a case of Britain chafing at the bit of US influence since Blair was lap dog under Bush. I have a feeling it is part of an agreement between Britain and Obama's administration to say and do the things Obama can't say and do. Israel has become a rabid dog and I believe Obama is afraid if he comes down too hard he will lose all power to rein them in. It's interesting to note that Britain's decision on the war crimes issue was based on Kerry's reports. I can't imagine in a million years Obama supporting another massacre in Gaza for numerous reasons. But he (i.e. Clinton) can't possibly even utter the term war crimes or negotiate with Hamas...but Britain can. I think it's a kind of attempt at "peace by proxy".



bahbah (not verified)

نگرانی نظام‌های هم‌پرونده از سرنوشت یکدیگر

علی لاریجانی روز جمعه عازم سودان شد تا حامل پیام ایران در محکومیت احضار عمر البشیر به دادگاه بین‌المللی لاهه به اتهام «جنایت علیه بشریت و جرایم جنگی» باشد.



by capt_ayhab on

If so it is an internal issue of Darfur, then why in the hell IR is propagating the criminal indictment of Israeli leaders?

These guys in IR and China, who happen to be two of the worst human rights violator, are an absolute disgrace to humanity.

Someone ought to put THEM on trial. 




Great precedent to proceed with Israel's war crimes trials.

by Ostaad on

I'm looking forward to see the process of indictment to start for the Israeli war criminals as soon as possible.

Blocking humanitarian aid and food supplies to Gaza should be treated the same as Bashir's crimes against humanity. Add to it the carnage IDF committed there too.