Taboo talk: The journey of Iranian-American talk show host /
12-Feb-2009 (one comment)


Her voice on the airwaves in Northern Virginia has been therapeutic to the Iranian-American community. For the past decade, Gelareh Bassiry made it her mission to discuss what her traditional society told her not to, and much more. Ever since she was five, Gelareh Bassiry was curious about helping others. Gelareh Bassiry, Iranian-American radio host: “I was very naughty, curious… always sensitive about family and people’s pain and always wanted to know where it came from.”


The journey of Iranian-American talk show host

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Her voice on the airwaves in Northern Virginia has been therapeutic to the Iranian-American community. For the past decade, Gelareh Bassiry made it her mission to discuss what her traditional society told her not to, and much more.
