Iran to Rebuild University and Hospital in Gaza
Mehr News
25-Jan-2009 (82 comments)

Iran is slated to rebuild a univeristy and a hospital in Gaza...also plans to provide materials for reconstructing schools, mosques, and houses destroyed...treating 4,000 injured, giving aid to all martyr families and war-disabled and providing care for children orphaned in the war as among other programs which will be conducte

rosie is roxy is roshan

And That Ain't Even the Half of It...

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

Looks like Tehran will be a busy little bee thanks to Israel. Surprise, surprise. Mehr's press releases are skimpy but...they do the job..


Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

Well, the only things that I know about Tahiti I learned from this music video.  Enjoy!



PS, just kidding, of course...but it IS one of my favorite songs...and I hope to make it to Tahiti one day...



to by rosie is roxy is roshan on Mon Feb 02, 2009 04:40 PM

by persia (not verified) on

What do you mean by saying "I'll get may not like it when I do but I'll get there...". Why do u think I may not like it? I will like it as long as it is rational and logical.

btw, as far as I am concerned the Israeli Arab Issue is no longer an Israeli Arab Issue but it is an Israeli and the Iranian mullah issue.As the conflict is between Israel and the terrorist groups supported by the Islamic Republic of Iran against Israel. It is not an issue about land but an issue about expansion of the Iranian Islamic revolution. As you may know the Khomainist cult yearns for Global pan Islamism. They already got Iraq. They are now working on Israel. Ahmadinejad has already sent a letter to president Bush and Codaliza Rice inviting the Americans to embrace Islam.

Similarly,Khomeini in 1989 invited Mikhail Gorbachev, former president of the Soviet Union, to renounce Communism and to convert to Islam.

This how Islam advanced in Iran and completely burned and destroyed the most advanced library and the relics of one of the greatest and most civilized empires this world has ever known. They turned it to the darkest chapters of Persian history, and 1400 years later, we see a replication of history right in front of our own eyes, except, now, the Iranian mullahs are working on weapons of mass destruction and willing to use them at any time and at any cost.

rosie is roxy is roshan

Iranians in Tahiti?? Well actually..

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

I was talking about the native (non-Iranian) Tahitians who might be reading this website as they google Iran...but since you asked and this is an educational site and it is our duty to become, I couldn't find any evidence of an Iranian community on the bejeweled isle but apparently it IS pretty easy for you to go there, especially if you live in the U.S. Here is a form you can fill out:


Now if she doesn't look Persian, I don't know who does:



Anonymous Observer

Rosie, There are Iranians in Tahiti?!!!!

by Anonymous Observer on

Someone really needs to stop us from ruining that beautiful island paradise :-).

Kaveh Nouraee

Darius jaan

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Thanks from the bottom of my heart for the videos and the kind words. They've cheered me up more than you'll know.

Rosie, you'll get no argument from me on the point of it being silly schoolyard stuff, and on it being bad, not just for the site, but in general.

The fact that she has resorted to such comments serves as a reflection of her character (or lack thereof). My response is because I'm in no mood to take crap from anyone, especially an arrogant, ignorant, ill-mannered, self-obsessed, uneducated, and uninformed bigot who acts as if they should get a standing ovation every time they finish using the bathroom.


oh rosie, et al

by Anonymous and LMAO (not verified) on

i know. you're absolutely right. but it's still funny as hell. i mean, seriously!!!

kaveh... the King of "cool"

Darius Kadivar

Another One For You Kaveh Jaan ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

To Your Genius and Sense of Humor :


rosie is roxy is roshan

The current exchange about physical appearance is

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

silly schoolyard stuff, but it is VERY bad for the site in a most-discussed thread. At this point I refer to both parties and as I know them I believe (or at least HOPE) that they BOTH  fundamentally know I'm right.

Darius Kadivar

Kaveh Jaan Ignore them ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on


You know the Saying :

"Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder"

You know Some simply Cannot appreciate nor comprehend the word "Genius" ;0)

They Don't or rather cannot play in the same League if you will ;0))

We Should ask All these IRI Apologists and Hamas Tearjerkers of a New Kind What is their Line ? LOL

So Keep Up the Good Work and Pressure Kaveh Jaan ! ;0)))





rosie is roxy is roshan

This thread has the distinction of being I think maybe

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

the only newsfeed that reached (and stayed) in the most DISCUSSED. I didn't feed it or encourage the discussion so that it could turn into the MOST DISGUST. Especially when it is still on that bright little box on the homepage and people all over the world from Tahitians to Tanzanians to Thailanders are clicking on it to see what Iranians have to say about the current dire world political situation. No, that was not why I fed it.

Kaveh Nouraee

Much better

by Kaveh Nouraee on

That's still not slander, though. What you did is called libel.

If I look ugly, that's my problem, isn't it? When you blog ugly, it's everyone's. And no avatar of aromatic flowers can adequately cover up the foul stench that accompanies what you have to say.

Darius Kadivar

Rosie I was Not questioning Your Post ...;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Or Your intentions behind it. I don't see any contradiction in my comment either: Please take a look at the latest news:

Hamas chief urges Iran students to help liberate Jerusalem

This simply proves my point that the GAZA Crisis has Overlapped with the Priorities of the IRI foreign policy and as such it leads us as Iranians to also think Twice in regard to our often blind attacks on Israel and support for HAMAS.

Those who want to say that HAMAS and GAZA and IRAN are three different issues ( And that is not targeting you so don't take this personally ) are simply dishonest with us but also with themselves. 

Unfortunately The succession of events suggest How Right I was in my suspicions of the IRI in regard to the exploitation of the human tragedy in Gaza and others on this blog seem to continuously ignore that fact.

Hope this clarifies your doubts regarding my comment.



Niloufar Parsi

no u really do look ugly

by Niloufar Parsi on

have a shave. 

rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on

I have a very simple test for whether or not people on this site are anti-Semitic. If they are nice and respectful to me and listen to me and appear to like me they are not anti-Semitic.

Now you may find this test self-centered but I find it useful. You have to remember that I am a very bad risk for a lapdog or poster child because I always have my own views (some of them pretty strange in some people's eyes) so I don't make a very good "token Jew" because I am never going to swallow enough ideology to represent anything other than a humanitarian cause. And by now pretty much everyone knows it.

Qumars for example, I had to listen to so much sh-t about him being anti-Semitic, he was the only person onsite who consistently defended me in my (never-ending) campaign against the use of Nazi terminology to characterize Zionists as a group. The only non-Jew. Q, Niloufar, Mehdi, etc., they are my cyber-buddies. If they are anti-Semitic, I don't exist. And I go along with Descartes, I think therefore I think I am.

Well whatever, you have your litmus tests, I have mine.  :o)


Kaveh Nouraee

And that is pure

by Kaveh Nouraee on

nonsense. First of all, I didn't slander you. Look up the definition of the word before using it.

And what I do with my time is none of your damn business. I don't answer to the likes of you, not in this or any other lifetime. You lost the argument before you even pressed the first key on your keyboard. Everyone has seen you for the hateful, spiteful person you truly are, a member of the faux illuminati, who when confronted resorts to "i can't be bothered to argue with you".

I need a shave? HAHAHAHAHA.

So do you honey, so do you. 

Niloufar Parsi

that is pure

by Niloufar Parsi on

slander. don't u have anything better to do with your time? i can't even be bothered to argue with u anymore. don't bother explaining your garbage. it's not worth it. u need a shave, btw.


Kaveh Nouraee

Ugly and slimy?

by Kaveh Nouraee on

What a coincidence!!

That's the exact same depiction you make about Jews.

Niloufar Parsi

rosie jan

by Niloufar Parsi on

did u catch that ugly and slimy depiction of muslims and neo-nazis as the same and as people who one cannot expect anything better from? same old nasty tricks played by 'new' players... :)

rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on

The blog exists. Here it is. I refer to the last post.


As for the Is/Pal conflict I agree, it's existential, it's about...history and future..the meaning of history and humanity itself...I see it in a very different way from you but I do so it as existential, as something far far deeper than political..and I'm trying to write an article...but it's very hard for me...too big, too hard to articulate and too painful...but it's gestating as I travel these threads and my attempts at research..I'll get may not like it when I do but I'll get there...

and by the way, Iran too. It's far far beyond politcal


"The Israeli/Arab conflict

by persia (not verified) on

"The Israeli/Arab conflict is not territorial or political. It's existential." Israel would like to exist... her enemies will do whatever it takes to remove her from existence. Due to deeply-ingrained, irreversible, religious, historical, cultural AND psychological forces, the Arab/Islamic world is incapable of accepting, and will NEVER accept, the existence of a Jewish State in THEIR Middle East. It is also been a "conceptual" war for ownership of the term "Palestinian" which has been transferred over to the Arabs whereas, before 1967, "Palestine" has always been synonymous with Israel."

rosie is roxy is roshan

No, Darius, I care very very much...

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

but I'm Jewish and I feel I have an obligation to try to understand this situation as best I can and to try to help in some way...and I DON'T just post the Palestinian "side" and I DON'T just argue it, and it comes back to Iran, as when I just tackled some Iranian for talking about his "Asian" Turkish "brothers" which to me means Muslims, and what the hell does that mean historically? It's an attempt at chipping away at a certain mentality regarding Iran that I think you don't like very much (not to say I don't support the faith of Muslima in Iran vociferously...)

And from my standpoint this very feed was about Iran, because it was about IRI's geopolitics in doing this, at least my comments have been...trying to understand it...

I HAVE to do the Gaza feeds, I HAVE to find out about Erdogan and the KURDS, as they relate to Israel (but also to those people themselves)...I feel it's my responsibility.

Throughout this, I researched Velayate Faghi, I blogged about the cemetery, I provided links, someone babbled about Westoxificati (vis a vis championing Erdogan) and I asked if stringing up hanged people on the major commuter throughfare in Tehran during rush hour was West DeToxification. I defended David's work when people on my supposed "side" were ganging up on him for raising the same issue you do. Who are you to attack David, I ssaid, with all he does for Iran.

Now Darius, you're being a little unreasonable because you post about the Holocaust and Jews all the time, and the Kurds. You don't limit yourself to Iranian issues. So let me do it too and let me do it in my own way, as a universalist and a humanist which I think is also what you are.

PS I know it's VERY uncommon for a newsfeed to go up to the most discussed but I think it's partly because people are curious about me due to my unique stance on this site vis a vis Israel as a Jew and ALSO because people know I'm no polemicist, they know I don't have that kind of mind, so I think some of them really sincerely wanted to educate me (as they see it...) Don't come down so hard on your hamvatans either for flocking to this feed. A lot of it's more about me than about Gaza.

And thanks for the link.  :o)  Smile.

Darius Kadivar

In the Meantime in Iran ...BUT WHO CARES ? ;0(

by Darius Kadivar on

Iran has arrested a women's rights activist involved in an award-winning campaign that seeks changes to laws deemed unfair to women, a newspaper reported on Sunday.

Security officials arrested Nafiseh Azad on Saturday in the Darakeh mountains north of Tehran while she was collecting signatures for the campaign's petition, the Sarmayeh newspaper said.

Iran arrests women's rights campaigner


Dear Rosie

by persia (not verified) on

I can not find the other blog. I think it has been removed.

rosie is roxy is roshan

Persia, I wrote you a long reply to your long post to

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

me about the history of Zionism in Palestine on the other blog  can't recall name right now, it escapes met, so many blogs on this issue..but I think you'll remember..) days ago. Could you please read it and reply, it will come up in my tracking and I'll see it. right away. There's just no way we're going to be able to discuss this here until the foundatons are lain. Also I've been trying to read up on more of the history, found out about massacre of Hebron, 1929, very disturboig>



Response to rosie is roxy is roshan on Wed Jan 28, 2009 04:55 P

by persia (not verified) on

Whether they be individuals or organized groups, the sheer number of Jews working against Jewish and Israeli interests is staggering. It is bad enough when an Arab, Palestinian, Muslim, Neo-Nazi skinhead or other non-Jew attacks Israel or Jews in general. We would expect nothing less from them. But when a Jew does this, his mere Jewishness lends exceptional credibility to the charges. Besides, why would Jews hate themselves when others are more than willing to do it for them!

These whacko Leftist so called "Non-Zionist" Jews are so drunk on their ability to empathize and "feel the pain" of their enemies that they simply can no longer call them enemies! Talk about excessive and misplaced mercy Talk about disgusting Jews! And why do Jews have so many self-haters springing forth among themselves? This can only be explained by someone with at least a few dozen degrees in abnormal psychiatry. Even an insane asylum would refuse to admit these sick, hopeless Jews!

What would make an educated Jew grow into a frustrated, embittered and rebellious writer, intellectual, professor AND spokesman for the Arab Suicide bombers supported by the blood thirsty Islamic Republic of Iran? Are they not overwhelmed with the magnificence of their long Jewish Isreali history? Do they not look back at the enormous sacrifices and dedication of their ancestors? Have they ever firmed up their backbone to stand tall as a proud Jew? Have they EVER exerted one-hundredth the amount of effort to fight against the terrorists supported by the Ayatollahs in Iran and enemies of Israel as they have against Israel itself?


Better idea

by MRX1 on

Iran is a big country, how about we give one of the provinces to the palestenians, why not? This way we can spend even more money on them! after all what's important is omat islam and you IRI lackey's  should be happy to have palestenians as close neighbors. There is a tiny problem that they multiply like jack rabbits which will soon over run the boundries and resource of that province and soon they have to move to your neighborhood, but who cares as long as omat islam survives.  I see no problem with it, do you?

rosie is roxy is roshan

Non-Zionist Jews are..

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

not uncommon in New York and Bay Area for sure, probably also not in other big cities here like LA, Boston...I'm guessing...but definitely in NY...most of my Jewish friends are not Zionists...and so for me it's a rather strange experience being here in such a minority of minorities...and also hearing that word constantlly used...because you see, we don't really use it in the US...not that way...for us...either you're for Israel or you're for a one-state solution or whatever, but you're not a "Zionist" or non-Zionist..So all this z word here, z word there, plus the strangeness of my stance here is...kinda...odd for me..

I know in most of the States the Jews are pro-Israel, but not on the "left" and for sure not in the left of the major cities...where I've lived almost all of my...loooooooooong life... on the circles I've mostly movedin for what? now 25 years, if you don't SERIOUSLY question Israel, you're your rocker...



As much as I hate what

by capt_ayhab on

As much as I hate what Ahmadinejade ozgal has done to Iran, Iranians and  economy, etc etc etc

As much as I hate to admit that there must be an agenda behind this so called[goodwill crap] by IR.

As much as I hate to see money that is desperately  needed in Iran, to help truly needy, to be sent abroad.

As much as I hate to see IR meddling in another country's internal affairs.

I have to admit that these poor souls in Gaza do need as much help as they can get. The world have forgotten them, and left them at the mercy of fully armed killers.


capt_ayhab [-YT]

Niloufar Parsi

abc: are you really surprised?

by Niloufar Parsi on

you know that we would never let it go if someone bombed us like that. why would the palestinians? and i think that they sense a serious loss of face by israel in all of this. they are never gonna let it go. it's sad, but they are locked in an eternal struggle against a much stronger enemy, and this is why i think they need the support of international sanctions against israel. it is already happening in much of the world. 

Niloufar Parsi

Rosie, abc

by Niloufar Parsi on

it really does not matter. lets drop all that.

abc: actually, i understand your reference to 'imperialism envy' if you wanna discuss it. there is such a thing and iran may well be guilty of it. but as you know, this is not purely attributable to the IRI alone. it was there before too. the shah openly claimed to be the rightful policeman of the persian gulf. the IRI shows signs of this too. wanna discuss?