Israel Has Fewer Friends Than Ever, Even In America
News Week / Rod Nordland
24-Jan-2009 (10 comments)

Israel has never been more isolated. Its best friend, the United States, had vetoed 41 Security Council resolutions condemning Israel in the past three decades, but was about to vote for the Jan. 8 resolution denouncing the attack on Gaza when President Bush intervened, at the behest of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

recommended by capt_ayhab




by capt_ayhab on

[The difference it, Jews and Christians have come to realize that these
passages are no longer compatible with contemporary societies, and out
right out lawed some of filth.]

You are absolutely correct, Jew and Christian[Your CHOSEN PEOPLE} do not have to demonstrate [HATE] with rallies and words. They simply put it in ACTION. i.e. Gaza, WWII and Genocide in Serbia, etc etc etc

For crying out loud Mazloom, stop spewing your [PEACE LOVING] bull crap. World has seen Christians[HITLER] and Jews[Zionist] brand of LOVE and PEACE[Auschwitz,Palestine].

Thank you

capt_ayhab [-YT]


can we play ?

by Bache por roo (not verified) on

Would you like to play?

Mehdi Mazloom

Mehnarz - few clarifications

by Mehdi Mazloom on

Let me please clarify few points here. For the entire Israel-Palestinian conflict to be well understood, you have to dig much much deeper as to the root causes of that conflict.

Take for example the cultural of HATE, the naked word "HATE". Ever wondered why this world comes so often in the Arab & Islamic psychic?. Ever wondered why, Muslim crowds rush outside into the street and holler their lung out Marg Marg, of Jihad, kill kill, for any provocation. You tell me, how the hell 12 stupid caricatures can justify riot which caused the death of 100 innocent people? YET, when 175 innocent people were murdered in Mombai by group of Islamist thugs, no one from the Arab countries rushed into the streets.

You will never see such vocal and outright expression of hate from the western based societies.

No my friend, the roots of the problem is not the Jews, not the Israelis, not even the Palestinians. The real problem is with the cultural of freedom of expression, or the luck thereof. When people's will and their fundamental rights to express themselves, or their right to criticize the action of their governments. Moreover, when 1.4B people are being held hostage to a rigid religious dogma, where the will of ONE MAN still permeates fear - even 1350 years after his death. People look for an outlet to vent their frustration. Pinning outside elements is the obvious choice.

It is politically (and safer) to critsis the Zionists, who slaughter out Muslim brothers in Gaza", then criticize some of Muhammad's teaching which keeps otherwise intelligent people in the dark ages of human development. Or some of his own objectionable deeds (like have a sexual intercourse with a 9 year old child, etc). If one utters a word against this man,  Muslim will behead a la carte. (ever wondered how many millions of innocent girls have paid the price for this one incident?, and still do throughout Iran and ME.

That cultural of hate is not perpetuated by the political leaders, as much as by the  religious leaders whom wield such absolute power over the crowed. (when was it last time any innocent Muslim got up during the Friday's preaching and out right dared to tell that Akhoonde, or the Imam, "stop preaching to us hatred of other people", and lived to see the daylight.

Let face it, Islam does not tolarate challenge to its absolute and rigit authority. whatever the Quran say, that is the law of the  land - regardles of how outdated, or incompatible with today's reality it may be.

Yes, both, the Old and  New Testament do contain passages of hate as the Quran has. The difference it, Jews and Christians have come to realize that these passages are no longer compatible with contemporary societies, and out right out lawed some of filth.

This is not the case with the Quran, Hadidth, or the Sunna.

Those Arab & Muslim crowed who "love the Palestinian", have no other choice, they have to follow those despotic clerics. These cowereds hide behind the "holy guacamole" Quran, and the word of allah crap.

when you close the eyes, ears, and restrict the outflow from his mind, it is very easy to bend these people  to whatever direction you wish them to follow.

It is all about mind set, cultural, and state of mind.

Closed ability of expression, leads to closed freedom, leads to closed ears, leads to closed eyes, leads to closed mind, leads to closed hearts (Jews are Apes and pigs), lead to ignorance, leads to backwardness, leads to not understand others, leads to non-tolerance to other people's rights, and needs, leads to frustration, leads to inability to fight back for one's fundamental right, leads to self destruction, leads to blind hate of others.

I am sure you get the idea by now 


Arab rulers and Israel, what do they do in private?!

by Mehrnaz (not verified) on

Mehdi, you get some things right but don't follow the logical thread. There is no questioning that reactionary Arab regimes, like Saudi, Jordan and Egypt, are allied with Israel and rely on Israel and the US to keep their populations at bay and keep themselves in power. Thank you for your apt and candid analysis. However, the populations of these countries who hate their rulers do identify with and support the Palestinian struggle wholeheartedly, and by the way, even the Sunnis in these countries, are strongly in favour of Iran. Because, contrary to the US/Israeli propaganda and provokation, the conflict as far as the populations are concerned, is not between Shia and Sunni, but between the people of the region and the colonizers. Many opinion polls have confirmed this. That is exactly why their rulers have to go "WINK WINK" "IN PRIVATE' to Israel!!

The MASSES in the Middle East are pro-Palestinian, pro-Iranian, anti-Israel, and increasingly anti-Semitic, thanks to Israel and individuals like yourself. They see the brutality of the Israeli state, they see the brutality of its patron, US, in Iraq and Afghanistan and in support of their own dictators, they see Israel's racist hatred for the people of the region and its dangerous expansionist colonial designs, they see the raw hatred and support for these actions by fanatics like yourself, and they draw the obvious conclusion about who their enemy is. As always in these situations, wet and dry burn together and their smoldering smoke make it harder to see ...

You also correctly refer to the "surge" of "Islamic fundamentalism throughout the region" which you say the regime in Iran exploits. However, you fail again to identify the reason for this surge. As I mentioned in my previous discussion with you on another article, you seem not to make a link and not to ask why things happen; Islamic fundamentalists just 'surge', Arabs just start hating Jews (or always have), they just start blowing themselves up. What a strange world you live in ...

We are living in a very dangerous times. The truth is that Israel has lost face and faith. You deny this at your own expense ...

Mehdi Mazloom

rosie is roxy is roshan - addressing your comments.

by Mehdi Mazloom on

Sorry lady, this forum does not have a tickler whereby one is notified when a reply to his/her comments was just posted on

also, since the thread is constructed such, new posts bury the old one into the background, it is hard to follow a giiven thread. Many other blogs have their site constructed by subjects, where you can easily go your your own thread and look if there are replies.

NOW, to your comment posted below you wrote.

you (Mehdi mazloom) wrote me a long post interrogating me, about ten questions w/all
kinds of details, questioned my integrity and veracity. I answered
every single one, and ALL I SAID AT THE END WAS: 


Khosh-kel khanom, would you provide me the link where I posted  these questions. Lets get there first, then I will comment on them.




Thank you Rosie

by Mehrnaz (not verified) on

Dear Rosie, I welcome Israel losing friends, it is good for the world and good for Jews. However, I am concerned that the brutal actions of Israel, supported by many Jews, would rebound in widespread anti-Semitism. It is possible to terrorise and even subdue a defenceless population by unparalleled military power and violent "shock and awe", but seeds of hatred thrive in terror which will come back to haunt the perpetrator, sooner or later. Your judgement based on shared humanity rather than tribal loyalty is the only effective challenge to anti-Semitism. It is so important that people hear voices like yours that break the rotten mould of black and white. When I read people like Gideon Levy or Amira Hass or Yuri Avnery, their humanity and concern always reminds me, particularly at these violent times, that many (though a minority) who happen to be citizens of Israel, are not warmongers, are not racists, are not blind tribalists, but people that I feel closer to than many Iranians. I respect you and love you for your humanity and integrity. Thank you for being there.

rosie is roxy is roshan

Ah, how nice, so we meet together on a thread...

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

the anti-Semite, the IDF apologist, and moi! Hi, guys so nice to see you would you like some tea?

Yes Khaleh, it's me, the one you called the "cuddly" "good cop" well-orchestrated blogger for the IDF yesterday.  Citing my bosom buddy, Mehdi Mazloom & co. as the bad cop side of our well-orchestrated blogging team.  So,  here is a golden opportunity for you to eavesdrop on my team's plans. Are ya ready Khaleh?

Mehdi Mazloom, to repeat now  onsite for the THIRD time, on my blog entitled Zionazis last week chronicling how in 1982 I became a non-Zionist after finding out about the IDF lighting flares to assist a Lebanese CHRISTIAN FASCIST GROUP in massacring 1000 plus unarmed Palestinian civilians, you wrote me a long post interrogating me, about ten questions w/all kinds of details, questioned my integrity and veracity. I answered every single one, and ALL I SAID AT THE END WAS:

please please SHOW me the proof that IDF DID NOT LIGHT THOSE FLARES ON PURPOSE FOR THE KILLINGS. I WANT to be wrong..

Ya bailed out, Maz, ya bailed out on me.  Ya disappeared. That's not how my parents brought me up to have a serious discussion. The most important part of MY Jewish upbringing was INTELLECTUAL INTEGRITY.

And then I saw you again on another thread and I told you the same thing I just told you now,  and I am going to do it on every single thread related to Is/Pal that I see you on as long as this site exists. I'm NOT GOING TO LET IT GO.

Mehdi Mazloom, I WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THE FLARES in Sabra and Shatillah refugee camps in September 1982.. .

It has EVERYTHING to do with EVERYTHING. Because until you address this ALL of your arguments for Israel THOROUGHLY lack credibility. Just like when your friend Zion reveals her pathologically distorted, paranoid thinking by accusing Nazy Kaviana among others of being sorry there was a ceasefire because we wanted more casualties just to prove Israel wrong. and I am DYING to find a good argument from one of you so that I can MEDIATE rather than become more and more estranged from and disgusted with the most vocal Zionist Jews on this site. Could you give me a CASE other than you're all turning into NUT CASES?

Now back to YOU Khaleh...

I could say you owe me an apology. But you don't.  You owe yourself an apology.   Because you are so blinded by sub-conscious anti-Semitism that you can't see two inches in front of your eyes on this issue. You owe yourself an apology because anti-Semitism is an illness and you are allowing an illness to colonize you and it is giving you glaucoma.


you're actually right and all this is a SHAM and I am as I write being paid by the Israeli government to PRETEND that non-Zionist Jews exist just to curry favor among certain groups for the Jews. It's all...a conspiracy...layers and layers of onions...

Well I'll leave you two lovebirds alone to orchestrate your agenda. Whatever it is. You have much in common. I'm sure you'll figure one out. Myself I shall throw in my lot with the Cap'n.

Ship's ahoy,




War Museum

by Solie (not verified) on

In fact there is so much sympathy for Israel in the US that they want to build another war crime museum next to the Holocaust Memorial in DC for the 13 soldiers killed in the recent Gaza conflict. The new museum is going to be funded by the US tax payers and donations from the friendly Arab countries.

Mehdi Mazloom

Public comments, vs. Private ones

by Mehdi Mazloom on

Yeah, many countries, particularly the Arabs will declare in public of their opposition to Israel, while in private they say the opposite.

Lets face it, Hamas & Hizbollah are Islamic fundamentalist groups, armed and aided by Iran.

It is no secret that Sunni Arabs trust the Akhoodah in Teharn far less then the "zionists" in Jerusalem.Furthermore, they loath and outright hate the poor Palestinians, far more then they hate the Israelis

You should listen to these leaders words and "wink wink" and thums up to Israel when they meet in private. After all, these Islamists had clearly demonstrated that, they are just as danger to the Arab regimes own survival, as to Israel itself.  Israel is viewed as the forefront in the fight against Islamic fundamentalism surging throughout the region, which is being exploited by the mullahs in Tehran.

You can bet your cowboy boots that, today, Israel has by far more friends and allies throughout the ME then 30 years ago. All thanks to Mullahs strategic plans to dominate the region. In fact it is the Israeli military might which could (and does) help the regimes in Jordan, Egypt and Saudi arabia to fight the Islamists.

khaleh mosheh

And the answer is...

by khaleh mosheh on

Its the rocket attacks I tell ya....They are the bad guys and we are the victims...

(Repeat ad nauseum with an army of well orchestrated bloggers)