More and More Iranians Watch PNN say's France's Newspaper Le Figaro
Le Figaro
08-Dec-2008 (5 comments)

Loin des clichés officiels hostiles au «Grand Satan», à Téhéran, la population rêve d'un rapprochement avec les États-Unis, rendu désormais possible par l'élection de Barack Obama. Plus de deux millions d'Iraniens vivent aux États-Unis, tout en gardant de solides liens avec leur pays d'origine. À Téhéran, de nombreux Iraniens regardent la chaîne de télévision Voice of America en farsi, qui émet de Washington, tout en sirotant un Coca-Cola, boisson préférée au Zam Zam, sa copie locale fabriquée par la «Fondation des déshérités».

recommended by Darius Kadivar



> real Iran

by Another Lost Iranian in Paris (not verified) on

Chère Monsieur , je vous conseille vivement de retourner en Iran voir ce qu'il s'y passe vraiment. Je doute fort que vous y ayez remis les pieds depuis des lustres. Ce genre d'article à la Delphine Minoui vous rassure bien dans votre éxil, entre deux films hollywoodiens des années 50 poussiéreux.

Mon propos est le suivant en bref : condamner la république islamique est une chose (for louable d'ailleurs), encore faut-il avoir vu de ses yeux la réalité de notre pays. D'ailleurs, est-ce encore votre pays ?

What I'm basically telling DK is to travel to Iran. I'm pretty sure he didn't see Iran for the last 3 decades. Iranians don't give a damn about VOA. Simply because they lost any political sense, sadly. A vey few people can understand the fact that Iranians are now politically sterile. They have 0 opinion, all they care about is Tapesh videos and the latest BMW X5, oh and I forgot, the latest Gucci pointy shoes to fit their haircut.

Before debating about Iran, one should travel there, spend some time with REAL iranians and then he/she 'll be able to participate in a constructive discussion.

Javad Yassari

Agha Babai-e Ba Hoosh!

by Javad Yassari on

Of course Radio Farda and VOA are US-owned government media with an agenda.  But you are not telling the truth when you say that people of Iran disregard or disrespect VOA.  Iranians devour the news and analysis which comes out of VOA because they don't get trustworthy news and analysis from their own state-owned media. 

Do you know who calls VOA CIA-TV in Iran?  Hossein Shariatmadar of Kayhan.  I'm not surprised you would follow him because no matter how many user names you change, you will always be recognized around here.

Here's where you got your material word for word and verse for verse.  In this Kayhan report dated today, Radio Farda is called CIA TV.  Stop for a minute and remember that you are not as smart as you think, or we are not as dumb as you imagine.



There are always.... Part II

by faryarm on

We always have "simple minded souls" who cannot tell fact from fiction, not just in Iran, but all over the world. Some of them become like sheep (babai in Persian) the innocent listeners of the IRIB  (IRIB is called Islamic Republic Bull....)

If you have listened to IRI TV Radio, you will find it to be biased, very simple minded in their analysis, deceiving in their presentations, and generally designed to persuade the listener that the entire world is against Iran! You dont hear about economic and other problems in Iran (exagerated of course), but never of the Iran (or generally minimized and mislead). You always hear praise for Palestine, while this radio/TV is suppose to be about Iran, most of whom hate or don't care about Iran.



by delldaar on

I found VOA,s news and analysis of event in Iran very accurate,honest and unbiased,  also VOA is openly admits that is funded by state department not CIA nor Bahai faith, and Mr. Mahmoudi ,himself not a Bahai, but has bahai relative which I assume to some fanatical mind from stone age is considered a crime. Get your facts straight !.


There are always ...

by babababai22 (not verified) on

We always have "simple minded souls" who cannot tell fact from fiction, not just in Iran, but all over the world. Some of them become the innocent listeners of the CIA TV and radio (VoA is called CIA TV in Iran).

If you have listened to VoA Persian (Farsi), you will find it to be biased, very simple minded in their analysis, deceiving in their presentations, and generally designed to persuade the listener that the entire world is against Iran! You hear about economic and other problems in Iran (exagerated of course), but never of the US (or generally minimized and mislead). You always hear praise for Israel, while this radio/TV is suppose to be about Iran, most of whom hate or don't care about Zio-Nazis.

Someone told me this VoA organization is run by some Bahais (Mahmoudi family) who are paid by the CIA to do just the above.