OBAMA 2012
New York Post
07-Nov-2008 (3 comments)

Looking back on the four years of his first administration, President Obama can be proud: He made the US welcome among the family of nations again; he reduced our reliance on military force; and he gave us peace by reaching sensible accommodations with our enemies.


Sarcastic but frighteningly plausible

by Zion on

Make sure you read the whole thing. ;-)



This is the NEWS section

by IRANdokht on

Lets talk about the news of record breaking loss of jobs, the disasterous downwhirl of the economy, the budget defficit and all the miserable news we hear on the radio every day of the past 8 years, instead of regurgitating somebody else's unrealistic self-inflicted nightmare. 


American Wife


by American Wife on

What's so interesting about this is that it is a hypothesis.  What we have HAD however in the past eight years is FACTS.  Let's discuss reality, shall we?