Robertson: Nuke strikes in US after the election / Stephen c.Webster
03-Oct-2008 (3 comments)

Christian Broadcasting Network co-founder Pat Robertson, in a new update to his Web site, states that, "we have between 75 and 120 days before the Middle East starts spinning out of control." The 700 Club host is convinced that Israel will attack Iran's nuclear energy facilities shortly after the US presidential election, triggering a series of "dramatic events" that conclude only once "God has rained fire on the islands of the sea and on the invading force coming against Israel."

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Robertson is America's Version of Iran's Ayatollahs

by Anonymous on

Robertson and his religious cohorts are no different to Iran's Gang of religious nuts ...who now have power. Lets not forget that Robertson had 3 Million signatures on a petition to run for President...and he could one day take power if there is a power vacuum like the one in Iran or the one in Germany that allowed Hitler to take charge.

He is an idiot...with Power...and Money. And he knows full well the role America's fanatics played in toppling the Shah and putting religious fanatics in charge in Iran! (Remember: Reagan's signed bible sent secretly to Rafsanjani through delivered by Robert McFarlane...Iran/Contra...)!

Anyway, nothing will happen to Iran in the near future. The mullahs are secretly in bed with the US administration and are quietly supporting the work in Iraq and Afghanistan ...and giving away Iran's oil in the Caspian to American Oil companies in exchange for power and pillage inside Iran.


robertson blows

by tanomous (not verified) on

the reason this is so false is - the administration wouldn't wait till after the election to do this! but they could pull it before the election - a great pretense for declaring martial law or whatever. Remember the "October surprise"? Do you think these criminals will leave without pulling it all down around them? They should all be in prison.

American Wife

as if

by American Wife on

anyone listens to Pat Robertson.

Read my lips... there will be NO nuclear attempts by ANYONE.  Although the US IS a friend to Israel, we will NOT support an Israeli attack on Iran.  It's amazing how a few people's total bullshit big mouthing (bush, cheney, admadinejad, the aforementioned IDIOT robertson) can get people so riled up!!