عبادي از تحمل نظام سوءاستفاده نکند
Rooz Online / Shahram Rafiezadeh
02-Oct-2008 (15 comments)

شيرين عبادي روز چهارشنبه از سوي آکادمي پروتستان توتسينگ آلمان جايزه "مدارا" را براي سال ۲۰۰۸ ‏دريافت کرد؛ جايزه اي که تاکنون تنها چهار بار اهدا شده و يک بار آن به رومان هرتسوگ رييس جمهور اسبق ‏آلمان بوده است. همزمان، خبرگزاري رسمي جمهوري اسلامي، با انتقاد از دريافت جايزه فوق توسط برنده ايراني ‏جايزه صلح نوبل، به وي هشدار داد که از" صبر و تحمل مسئولان نظام" سوء استفاده نکند. ‏

The Prince

Alert! The Clock is ticking for Lady Shirin

by The Prince on

The IRI Killers are thirsty for blood again.  Can something be done?



Shirin Ebadi will not keep quiet!

by Arash Kamangir (not verified) on

Reply to Mehdi and other IRI fans

Shirin ebadi is one of the the greatest opposer of IRI and has stood to IRI in a way that was legal and allowed within the fashist system of IRI. Her way of opposition was acknowledged by the rest of the world and the nobel prize and very recent evangelist award is the proof of that.
She will not keep quiet as long as the barbaric regime continues to suppress the political opponents.It is a very bad luck for IRI if it is attacked by Israel and possibly smashed in a way that cannot continue to exist.


Farhad Kashani: I meant proof not Israeli-MKO propaganda

by Mehdi on

Do you know the difference? I doubt it.

Darius Kadivar

Mrs. Ebadi should have All our Support

by Darius Kadivar on

Especially in these difficult times. The IRI proves once again that it has no respect for Human Rights. Glad that Mrs. Ebadi is realizing the rigid system of government she is really dealing with.

Farhad Kashani

All this proof and IRI

by Farhad Kashani on

All this proof and IRI supporters and leftists still looking for more proof.  



آقا مهدی

ایرانی‌ متنفر در غربت (not verified)

چرا اسرأیل بزرگترین تهدیده؟ کی اسرأیل رو به تهدیدی بزرگ تبدیل کرد؟ کی این آ تش رو روشن کرد و سی‌ ساله که هیزم میریزه روش؟ برو از اون فتنه گرای ضد بشر بپرس اگر عقل شو داری .


More claims and slogans - no proof or logic

by Mehdi on

Only brainwashed Israeli Jihadists or MKO and such present their case this way.

Farhad Kashani

Prince, absolutely right.

by Farhad Kashani on

Prince, absolutely right. The biggest threat to our country, civilization and people for the last 30 years, has been the fascist regime of IRI.

The Prince


by The Prince on

Here we go again.... Israel blah blah blah... extinct..yada yada yada.....  Anyhring to get us off the real subject? Huh?  I told you it is not working. The issue at hand is the SATANIC REGIME OF THE AFATOLLAH. Get with the programm boy!!


Any proof or just claims?

by Mehdi on

Tell me how you calculated that an attack by Israel is less damaging than all these supposedly damages you claim?

You think I have a fascination with Israel? Last time I checked it was Israel that had a fascination with my country. Believe me, if Israel was not preparing to murder my people, I would hardly remember that there is a little anomaly in the Middle East. I mean these people are own their own disappearing from the face of the Earth. In fact governments should consider them endangered species as their population is dangerously diminishing. So I think the only fascination anybody could have with Israel is due to them becoming extinct. We don't like any life form to completely disappear, you know?

The Prince

No! The greatest threat to

by The Prince on

No! The greatest threat to Iran, at this time, is the antilife, antihuman regime of IRI and, specifically a parasite named AKHOOND. A blood sucking fabricated creature which its only purpose for living is to suck the blood and life out of people and make sure that the masses stay backwarded and stupid, while he himself gets fatter and fatter by the minute through stealing and hording any resources and wealth that people have.

And while we are at it, what is this fascination that you have with Israel? Out of every 10 words you utter, 12 of them are Israel. I think you are secretly in Love with Israel. Are you playing hard to get? .... No matter how evil Israel is, you using it as a distraction to justify IRI's atrosities is not working.       


It's true, isn't it?

by Mehdi on

Are you saying Israel is not the greatest threat to Iranians right now? Just because some people or at some times such conditions have been staged or faked doesn't mean this one is not true. The Iran-Iraq war was also staged by Israel/neo-cons in order to establish a repressive regime in Iran (along with many other reasons). Israel WANTED the IRI to have that excuse and repress its people. In fact that is the reason why Israel is upset now - why IRI has stopped being repressive. Israel cannot tolerate a government in Iran that allows people to become educated and find out about AIPAC, etc.

The Prince

How Typical

by The Prince on

Isn't this exactly what Hitler told German people? Or isn't this exactly what that Indian Bastard khomeini said during the war with Iraq? "Everyone Shut your mouth and don't say a word"! There is a war going on. " Let us, kill, maim and torture you and your family and steal the country's wealth". If you say a word, the IRI killers are here to assassinate you or send you right to Evin!!! Agha Mehdi! Tell your arbab Geda Ali that he is even more stupid than his monkey Ahmaghinejad, if he thinks this tactic is still going to work!!   


In the face of Danger from Israel Ebadi should back off a bit

by Mehdi on

The government is right. When the country is faced with the threat of attack by Israel, people should not be distracted by less urgent issues. It is time all Iranians got together and face the biggest threat, Israel. Once that is handled, we can get back to our internal issues as we were.

The Prince


by The Prince on

Didn't mean to post this three times!! It just happened