Rabbis black-list non-kosher music
bbc world news
17-Sep-2008 (2 comments)

Lipa Schmeltzer looks and sounds every inch the popular ultra-orthodox Jewish singer that he is.

He sings in Yiddish. He dresses in the clothes of a Haredi Jew and all of his song lyrics come from the scriptures.

Yet some say Schmeltzer's music, and that of others like him, is indecent and unfit for public consumption.

"They are leading the public astray and are causing a great negative influence on the young generation," says Rabbi Efraim Luft, head of an ultra-orthodox organisation in Israel called the Committee for Jewish Music.

shinie head

Is Baba-Karam "Kosher" ?

by shinie head on

Next time your wife is going to be  "haram" to you unless she has a "kosher" shave !


Farhad Kashani

Is this just like your

by Farhad Kashani on

Is this just like your beloved Mullahs who banned music in Iran?